Deployment objects

Understand deployment error objects.

When Admin API detects a deployment error, it returns the deploymentErrors object in the response. This object will return the code and description.

When interacting with the Admin API and a deployment error occurs, the API returns a deploymentErrors object within the response. This object is crucial for diagnosing and understanding what went wrong during deployment.

  • deploymentErrors: This object consists of an array of error objects, each containing two key pieces of information:

    • code: A string that uniquely identifies the type of error.

    • description: A detailed message explaining the error.


"deploymentErrors": [
    "description": "Product 1234567800, en_US: Trial Days (freeTrialPeriod) cannot be less than 1 or larger than 1095."
    "description": "Product 1234567800, en_US: Combined Renewal days (combinedRenewalPeriod) cannot be less than 0."

This structure allows developers to quickly identify and resolve issues related to their deployment configurations.

Resolving deploymentObject errors

To effectively resolve deploymentObject errors, follow these steps for each error listed in the deploymentErrors array:

  1. Identify the error code: Look for the code in the error object to understand the error you are facing.

  2. Read the description: The description provides a detailed explanation of what is wrong. It can offer insight into how to correct the issue.

  3. Adjust configuration: Based on the description, make the necessary adjustments to your deployment configuration. For example, if you encounter a SUBSCRIPTION_TRIAL_DAYS_VALUE_INVALID error, ensure that the you set the freeTrialPeriod value between 1 and 1095 days.

  4. Re-deploy: After making the adjustments, re-deploy your configuration and check if the error persists.

Following these steps, you can systematically address each error in the deploymentErrors object, ensuring your deployment configurations are correct and up to standard.

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