Deploying a product

Learn how to deploy a product programmatically.

The following POST /v1/products/{productId or ERID}/deploy request deploys the specified product. Note that you can only deploy an individual or base product. If the product is already retired, the response will return an error. To deploy a specific product, you must provide either a productId or ERID.

The following example deploys a product with a productId.

curl --location --request POST '{productId}/deploy' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <API_key>' \

An ERID request requires the x-erid-as-pid=true header.

curl --location --request POST '{productId}/deploy' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <API_key>' \
--header 'header x-erid-as-pid=true' \

There are two ways to verify the deployment of an individual or base product. You can either confirm the product is marked as deployed in Global Commerce or get the deployed product.

Verifying the deployment of a product in Global Commerce

  1. Sign in to Global Commerce.

  2. Select Catalog, select Products, and then click Manage Products. The Products page appears.

  3. Click the Search tab, select Product from the Search In drop-down list, and select ID from the Search By list. Enter the product identifier or ERID in the Search For field, then click Search.

  4. Click the link for the product under the Internal Product Name column. The Edit Product page appears, and (Deployed) will appear after the product name at the top of the page.

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