Apple Pay elements

Learn how to use Apple Pay elements.

‌With DigitalRiver.js, you can create an Apple Pay element and interact with Apple Pay.‌

Creating an Apple Pay element

To create an Apple Pay element, you should use the createElement function exposed through the DigitalRiver object.

var paymentRequestData = digitalriver.paymentRequest({
        country: "US",
        currency: "USD",
        total: {
            label: "Order Total",
            amount: 100
        displayItems: lineItems,
        shippingOptions: shippingOptions,
        style: {
            buttonType: "plain",
            buttonColor: "dark",
            buttonLanguage: "en"
var applepay = digitalriver.createElement('applepay', paymentRequestData);

Apple Pay element styles and customization

Use the following styles and types to create an Apple Pay button that you can more closely integrate into your experience.‌

Button type

  • Choose one of the following button types:

Button color

Choose one of the following button colors:

Apple Pay element functions


Call this function to determine whether or not the Customer's browser supports Apple Pay.

if(applepay.canMakePayment()) {
    //can make payment with this element


Call this function to place the created Apple Pay element on your page.

<div id="apple-pay"></div>
if(applepay.canMakePayment()) {
    //can make payment with this element

Call this function to show the Apple Pay Payment Request interface. This will automatically happen when using the element. If you'd like to trigger via another mechanism, call it part of the user interaction (click handler).;


Call this function to remove the Apple Pay element from your page. The element may be re-added to your page by calling mount().



Call this function to remove the Apple Pay element from your page and its functionality. You cannot re-add the element to your page via mount().



Call this function to update the Apple Pay element's data. Calling this will merge your changes into the already existing Payment Request object.

var paymentRequest = digitalriver.paymentRequest({
        country: "US",
        currency: "USD",
        total: {
            label: "Order Total",
            amount: 100
        displayItems: lineItems,
        shippingOptions: shippingOptions,
        style: {
            buttonType: "plain",
            buttonColor: "dark",
            buttonLanguage: "en"

Apple Pay element events — applepay.on('event', handler);

The Apple Pay element can receive the following events by creating an event listener. Use this function to listen to events that can be used to build and enhance your purchase flow.

Triggered When

The created element is loaded and ready to accept an update request.

A shopper clicked the element's button.

The customer has canceled the experience.

The customer has chosen a different shipping option than was previously selected. You should use this data to re-price your order totals (if applicable).

The customer has chosen a different address than was previously selected. You should use this data to re-price your order totals (if applicable).

The customer has authorized the payment and a source, and DigitalRiver.js returned associated data.


The Source event emits when the customer completes their interaction with the Payment Request interface, and creates a Payment Source. The emitted object will be a Payment Request Response object.

applepay.on('source', function(event) {
    var source = result.source;
    //pass the source to your back end for further processing.  


The Ready event emits when the Apple Pay Element has loaded and is available to take an update() call.

applepay.on('ready', function(event) {
    //apple pay element is ready and can accept an update call
    elementType: "applepay"


The Click event emits when the customer clicks an Apple Pay Element.

applepay.on('click', function(event) {
    //do stuff
    elementType: "applepay"


The Cancel event emits when the customer closes the Apple Pay Element Payment Request interface.

applepay.on('cancel', function(event) {
    //do stuff
    elementType: "applepay"

Shipping option change

The Shipping Option Change event emits when the Customer selects a different Shipping Option within the Payment Request interface. The event will emit the following object structure.





applepay.on('shippingoptionchange', function(event) {
    var shippingOption = event.shippingOption;
    //create a Payment Request Details Update Object
    var newDetails = createPaymentRequestDetailsUpdateObject();
    "shippingOption": {
        "id": "overnight-shipping",
        "label": "Overnight Shipping",
        "amount": 100,
        "detail": "Get this in 1 business day."
    "updateWith": function(data) {

Shipping address change

The Shipping Address Change emits when the Customer selects a different Shipping Address within the Payment Request interface. The event will emit the following object structure.





applepay.on('shippingoptionchange', function(event) {
    var shippingOption = event.shippingOption;
    //create a Payment Request Details Update Object
    var newDetails = createPaymentRequestDetailsUpdateObject();
    "shippingOption": {
        "id": "overnight-shipping",
        "label": "Overnight Shipping",
        "amount": 100,
        "detail": "Get this in 1 business day."
    "updateWith": function(data) {

Last updated

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