Configuring authorized shipping and billing countries

Learn how to configure authorized shipping and billing countries in Global Commerce.

  1. Sign in to Global Commerce.

  2. Select Administration, select Site, and then click Configure Site Settings. The Configure Site Settings page appears.

  3. Depending on the option you selected in the previous step, you can add allowed countries to your store's supported locales. Supported locales (all other locales besides the default locale) will inherit the settings from the default locale by default. To configure a supported locale differently from the default locale:

    1. Select the locale tab that you want to modify.

    2. Select the Customize for This Locale option.

  4. Depending on the option you selected in the previous step, you can add the countries you can add denied countries to your store's supported locales. Supported locales (all other locales besides the default locale) will inherit the settings from the default locale by default. To configure a supported locale differently from the default locale:

    1. Select the locale tab that you want to modify.

    2. Select the Customize for This Locale option.

  5. Explain why you defined the restrictions in the Comments field. Provide enough detail to ensure someone else can determine why you denied or allowed billing or shipping to a specific country for a specific locale.

Last updated