Getting orders
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You will receive a 200 OK
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"clientSecret": "f3e53825-3d20-4c40-afb8-1cde7bdb3a3b_ef9cb4c1-f56c-4535-bd57-1a313c2f006d",
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See Order query parameters
for more information.
Getting an order by ID
To retrieve an order, you must specify the order identifier (orderId
). You can optionally include the state of the order. Possible order states are Open
, Submitted
, Cancelled
, Complete
, Pending Payment
, In Review
, and In Process
. This request requires an authorized or anonymous shopper token. See Getting the order details for more information on getting order details for an anonymous or authenticated shopper without a shopper token.
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'authorization: Basic ***\
You will receive a 200 OK
"order": {
"links": [
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"href": ""
"data": {
"id": 1108696260082,
"submissionDate": "2023-11-08T18:43:21.000Z",
"displayName": "New Order",
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"landedCostState": "NOT_ELIGIBLE",
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"value": 100
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"value": 100
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"value": 0
"shipping": {
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"value": 0.1
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"currency": "USD",
"value": 8.54
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"formattedSubtotal": "$100.00",
"formattedSubtotalWithDiscount": "$100.00",
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"formattedShipping": "$0.10",
"formattedTax": "$8.54",
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"lastFourDigits": "1111",
"clientSecret": "3349128c-98c6-4b4a-ab48-60a16f7c7c3b_41654359-6fc3-4b58-8bfc-bbefc5776e6b",
"expirationMonth": "3",
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"flow": "standard",
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"shippingMethod": {
"code": 154500,
"description": "Payments Testing Shipping Method"
"orderState": "In Process",
"paymentSession": {
"id": "99488771-c5cf-4785-b025-0a895e7f8cda",
"clientSecret": "99488771-c5cf-4785-b025-0a895e7f8cda_4cb90648-9a63-4376-8447-d850e12a239e",
"status": "complete"
"entities": [
"name": "billingAddress",
"links": [
"rel": "billingaddress",
"href": ""
"name": "shippingAddress",
"links": {
"self": {
"uri": ""
"name": "lineItems",
"links": [
"rel": "lineitems",
"href": ""
"entities": [
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"links": [
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"href": ""
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"quantity": 1,
"lineItemState": "Pending Fulfillment",
"downloads": {},
"digitalRights": {},
"billingAgreementId": "39b40910-3267-4b38-a07d-a6b05807f227",
"subscriptionIds": [
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"name": "product",
"links": [
"rel": "product",
"href": "",
"title": "Subscription Physical"
"data": {
"displayName": "Subscription Physical",
"thumbnailImage": null
"name": "lineItemStateDetails",
"description": null,
"backOrdered": 0,
"shipped": 0,
"returned": 0,
"pendingReturn": 0
"name": "pricing",
"data": {
"listPrice": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": 100
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"currency": "USD",
"value": 100
"salePriceWithQuantity": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": 100
"formattedListPrice": "$100.00",
"formattedListPriceWithQuantity": "$100.00",
"formattedSalePriceWithQuantity": "$100.00",
"productTax": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": 8.53
"shippingTax": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": 0.01
"feeTax": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": 0
"taxRate": 0.08525,
"importTax": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": 0
"formattedImportTax": "$0.00",
"importDuty": {
"currency": "USD",
"value": 0
"formattedImportDuty": "$0.00"
See Order query parameters
for more information.
Last updated
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