Retrieving customer details

Learn how to get a customer's details.

You can use the GET /v1/customers/{customerId} resource to get a customer's details. You must provide either a customerId or ERID in the path.

The value of the customerId in the Admin API is exactly the same as the shopperId in the Shopper API.

The following example gets the details for a specific customer with a customerId.

curl --location --request GET '{customerId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <API_key>' \

The following example gets the details for a specific customer with an ERID and requires the x-erid-as-cid=true header.The following example gets the details for a specific customer with an ERID and requires the x-erid-as-cid=true header.

curl --location --request GET '{ERID}' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <API_key>' \
--header 'header x-erid-as-cid=true' \

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