Getting started

Learn how to make Product Admin APIs requests.

Asynchronous and synchronous calls

The Commerce API suite uses both asynchronous and synchronous calls. The product management APIs send asynchronous API requests to Global Commerce when:

All other API requests are synchronous and return data immediately.

Asynchronous calls allow you to send multiple requests in a small timeframe without waiting for the completion of a request or worrying about timeouts. These calls are sent to Global Commerce to process product requests. Most products will complete successfully within a few seconds. However, creating or updating a base product with many variations and locales will take longer. For example, creating a base product with ten variations and 55 locales will take 30 seconds to a minute to complete.

When Global Commerce receives an asynchronous request, it returns a task identifier (taskId) in the response and puts the request in a queue. You can use the taskId in synchronous requests to retrieve product information and get the current status of a product.

Step 1: Obtain API credentials

When you get your credentials, ensure your API keys have permission to use the Admin APIs.

Step 2: Manage your products

  1. Get your confidential key (secret). You will need the private key to send calls to the Admin APIs.

  2. Async. Create a new product. You can create an individual product, a base product, or a product with variations.

  3. Verify the successful completion of the task when creating or updating a product. Note: You cannot apply additional changes to the product until the system completes the previous task.

  4. Choose one of the following options:

  5. Sync. Query tasks by task identifier, product identifier, or ERID. If you are using ERID, note that the request searches for tasks currently associated with the ERID. Note: Ensure all create and update requests are completed successfully or failed. You cannot deploy or retire a product before the task is completed.

Step 3: Retrieve product information

Choose one or more of the following options:

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