Refund error scenarios

Understand refund error scenarios.

Error Scenario
Error Message Description

API successfully executed

Operation Successful.

Cannot successfully resolve a site for a requisition

Unable to resolve the site for the requisition.

The provided Site ID was invalid or unresolved

It cannot resolve the requisition.

Input requisition line item ID is invalid or unresolved

Cannot resolve the line item.

Input refund type value is invalid

Invalid refund type.

Input refund reason value is invalid

Invalid refund reason.

Input refund category value is invalid

Invalid refund category.

Input currency type value is invalid

Currency in the request does not match with the requisition or lineItem.

Input currency code value is invalid

The currency code is invalid.

Input session ID value is invalid

The user session ID is invalid.

Input refund amount is 0 or less

Invalid refund amount.

Input refund amount is greater than the refundable amount

The requested refund amount is greater than the refundable amount.

Input refund amount is in incorrect format

The refund amount is not a valid currency amount. valid format is (####.##).

Input fee type is invalid for a product level return (category: product_level_fee)

Unable to resolve fee type for the line item.

Requisition ID is empty

Requisition ID can not be empty.

Refund reason is empty

Refund Reason can not be empty.

Refund category is empty

The Refund Category can not be empty.

A product-level refund request fails to provide line item level details

Requisition Line Items can not be empty.

A product-level fee return fails to provide fee details

Line Item's Fee List can not be empty.

The site does not support satisfaction refund

The site is not allowed to accept a satisfaction refund for the requisition.

A second refund is not allowed

This order does not allow a second refund. Additional refunds require that you perform a manual refund.

The user roles are invalid for this API

The user is not a Customer Service Representative/ Director/Supervisor.

The user roles are invalid for this API

The user is not a Customer Service Representative/ Director/Supervisor/InternalUser/Owner of the Order.

An unforeseen exception occurred

An unhandled runtime exception has occurred.

Last updated

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