Inventory status

Learn how to retrieve a product's inventory status.

Getting the inventory status for one or more products

The following GET /v1/shoppers/me/products/inventory-status request gets the inventory for a specific product. You can use either the product identifier or an external reference identifier as a query parameter. Passing an invalid product identifier or external reference identifier will be ignored. The request returns an empty collection with a 200 status if you do not provide an identifier.

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'authorization: bearer ***\ 

Getting the inventory status for a specific product

The following GET /v1/shoppers/me/products/{productId}/inventory-status request gets the inventory for a specific product identifier (productId). You must provide the productId.

curl --location --request GET '{productId}/inventorystatus' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic ***' \ 

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