Initializing DigitalRiver.js

Learn how to use the Digital River publishable API key.

‌Use DigitalRiver(publishableAPIKey) to create an instance of the DigitalRiver object. The function requires a public API key.

let digitalriver = new DigitalRiver("YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY", {
     "locale": "en-us"

It also accepts options (optional) using the following format: DigitalRiver(publishableApiKey[, options])

‌Localizing DigitalRiver.js

In options, you can specify a locale to localize the library.

The following example translates the various display and error strings within DigitalRiver.js into Italian ‌by assigning it to locale.

let digitalriver = new DigitalRiver("YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY", {
     "locale": "it"

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