If you choose to use the full redirect flow, this is where your customer will be redirected to after cancelling within the BLIK experience.
If you choose to use the full redirect, this is where you will redirect your customer to after authorization within the BLIK experience.
If the order contains a physical product that requires a shipping address, include it here.
Step 2: Create a BLIK source using DigitalRiver.js
To create a BLIK payment source, use the DigitalRiver.js library to create and mount elements to the HTML container, or you can assemble the information and then send it using the standard calls in DigitalRiver.js.
The address object must contain postal code and state/province data thatadheres to a standardized format using the state attribute. Note that the state attribute listed below corresponds to the countrySubdivision attribute used when providing address information. The payment session manages the correct field name on the backend.
var sourceData = {
"line1":"10380 Bren Rd W",
"line2":"Suite 180",
digitalriver.createSource(sourceData).then(function(result) {
if(result.error) {
//handle error message
var errorMessage = result.error.errors[0].message;
} else {
//send the source to the back end for processing
var source = result.source;
When you create a BLIK source, the customer is required to authorize the charge through their payment provider. You can accomplish this by redirecting the customer to their payment provider.
Redirecting the customer for BLIK authorization
Use the redirectUrl parameter in your createSource response to redirect your customer to the payment provider for authorization.
The payment provider will present the customer with the transaction details, and the customer can authorize or cancel the transaction. A successful authorization redirects the customer to the BLIK Return URL parameter you specified when you created the source.
Once authorized, the source state will change to chargeable.