Bulk Product Export (BPE)
Understand how to use BPE.
Bulk Product Export (BPE)
Use the Bulk Product Export (BPE) process to export a catalog for a specific site or company to a file in an XML format. The file is compatible with the BPU process.
BPE is non-interactive. When the BPE process finishes, there is no required notification response. When the BPE process ends, an export file indicates the bulk file upload has been completed.
The BPE process is an inbound event.
11 (Current)
Catalog feed
The Catalog Feed API provides a complete record of the products available to a retailer. A batched business process provides the data in XML format over FTP.
The following steps outline how to implement the business process for the product catalog:
Your company completes the product profile form (which is included in the Business Users Guide).
Digital River sets up the business process according to this form.
Your company implements and tests the business process on their side to ensure it works.
This business process is available in batch mode only because of the substantial amount of data that is being shared.
The following table shows the business process specifics.
Business Process Type
Batch Only
Communication Protocols
FTP Only
Data Formats Available
The business process architecture diagram for the product catalog business process (see image below) shows a combination of several views. It combines a data flow view, an implementation view, and a process flow view into a common, condensed view. This view provides developers with fewer architectural views, making it simpler to understand and implement the Integrated Channel Partner Program (ICPP).
You create one file each time you run the product catalog extract. Files are in your home directory under the /PRODUCTCATALOG directory on the Digital River FTP server or your FTP servers. Digital River archives files for 30 days.
Best Practices: You should also maintain an archive.
The export file contains all the products currently available for purchase by a customer. When you import the file, you should scan for products in your database but no longer in your feed. These products are retired and should not be available for sale on your site. After you flag the retired products in their database, they can reimport the entire catalog feed so all updates and changed data elements are available in addition to new products.
Digital River exports the full catalog once per day.
Best Practices: You should import this full catalog daily to keep in sync with changes, receive new products, and retire unavailable products.
The Digital River business partner who participates in the Integrated Channel Partner Program (ICPP).
Digital River Product ID
The product's ID used internally by the Digital River system.
Integrated Channel Partner Program (ICPP)
The specific product offering provided by Digital River that enables clients the ability to offer the Digital River product catalog to their customers.
Application Programming Interface (API)
A set of routines that an application uses to request and carry out lower-level services.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
An Internet standard that allows for the precise discovery of websites and other web resources.
Business process
A data trading agreement between two companies. The business process is all-encompassing and includes both the business rules and the technical rules of the data exchange.
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
The data feed Digital River sends to the client, and the order fulfillment requests the client sends to Digital River are in XML format.
1 (Current)
Invoice report
The Invoice Report represents the financial-related information used to reconcile orders and returns for billing and credit. A batched business process provides the data in XML format over FTP.
The Invoice response document represents the financial-related information used to reconcile orders and returns for billing and credit. Digital River can support other formats, such as proprietary CSV, but we highly encourage using our XML format. This report is provided weekly to your company and is available via FTP. A separate monthly billing statement will be sent to your company upon Digital River's expectation of payment. Your company’s bill will be generated monthly in Excel and sent along with the combined CSV files for the month to your company.
The following table shows the business process specifics.
Business Process Type
Batch only
Communication Protocols
FTP only
Data Formats Available
Digital River creates one file for the client each time the invoice report extract runs. Files are placed in the client’s home directory under the /REPORTING/INVOICEREPORT/ directory on the Digital River FTP server or the client’s FTP servers. Digital River archives files for 30 days. We recommend that the client also maintains an archive.
The export file contains all placed orders on the client’s site.
Digital River runs the invoice report once per week on Monday mornings at 7 am.
Best Practices: The client should import this invoice feed for their accounting records.
The following image shows an example of a monthly billing statement.
1 (Current)
Sales reporting
The Sales Reporting runs once a day and always on a 2-3-day lag. It includes all the sales data for a specific site or company over a particular period. When a sale occurs, the system generates a Sales Order Activity and sends it to your endpoint. The Sales Order Activity Info contains the shipping or returns information for all line items in a single order.
The following table describes the contents of a sales notification.
Always runs on a 2-3-day lag to account for timings related to fraud and orders transferred from remote databases.
Includes "fulfilled" orders, not necessarily money collected.
Includes delayed payment orders that cleared for that day.
Excludes any suppression (frauded out order) if the suppression occurred within the lag period. Otherwise, the order will be included in the feed.
Best Practices: Use a 3-day lag.
Does not reflect chargebacks or reversals.
Cancelled Orders
Digital River cancelled an order because of suppression after running the report, the suppression will not be visible in that report.
Orders or line items of orders cancelled because of a shopper's request or a fulfiller's notification will not be included in the feed.
Orders or line items of orders cancelled because of a fraud suppression may be included in the feed. The orders or orders' line items will be included, and have no indication of the cancellation if the fraud suppression occurred after the fulfiller shipped the items, and after the Sales Notification service generated the fee. The order or orders' line items will not be in the feed at all if the fraud suppression occurred after the fulfiller shipped the items before the Sales Notification service generated the feed.
Date Order Appears in the Sales Feed
The date the fulfiller told us the order shipped (usually equivalent to the date when the item shipped).
The digital fulfillment date, which is usually within seconds of order submission if the download is hosted by Digital River. If the download is not hosted by Digital River, the date of digital fulfillment (when URL was delivered).
The date the product returned to the warehouse.
If LOD is required, this is the date when the system received the LO. If nothing is required, this is the date when the system created the return.
If the return completed on the same day, both a (+) and a (-) entry will appear within the same file.
If the returned product has digital rights (serial numbers or unlock codes), then the serial number or unlock code associated with the return is also provided.
Fees charged to your company are not part of this feed (for example download fees).
Includes returns as negative values.
Shows satisfaction refunds (CSR returns money to the customer to make them happy, but and the customer keeps the product). The following Satisfaction Return types are available:
Line Item Level Satisfaction Refund
Order Level Satisfaction Refund
Satisfaction Refund (DEPRECATED)
Other supported return types include:
Line Item Level Return Product
Order Level Return Product
ReturnProduct (DEPRECATED)
The Sales Notification Feed contains many amount
A Line Item Satisfaction Refund allows you to refund money to the shopper because the shopper is upset or has experienced undue hardship in getting the product. The shopper is not required to return any product. See Line-item level satisfaction refund for an example.
An Order Level Satisfaction Refund allows you to return money to the shopper when a shopper is upset or goes through undue hardship to get the product. The shopper is not required to return any product. See Order-level satisfaction refund for an example.
Return receipt arrived with no prior return established. See Auto-created line-item level return product for an example.
Returned a quantity on a line item or the entire quantity on the order. See Line-item level return product for an example.
18 (Current)
You can use Reporting to see if a report is available for downloading and download the report.
Checking the availability of a report
The following example shows the Reporting call you must send to get a list of all available reports. The response contains the list of available reports.
Downloading the report
The following example shows the Reporting call you need to send to download a specific report, where <File Name> is the name of the zip file containing the report.
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