Sending a payment information change notification

Understand why a payment information change triggers a notification.

You will immediately receive a notification when a shopper changes their payment method or credit card detail information, billing address, or email address.

Notification trigger

In our commitment to maintaining transparency and enhancing user experience, we've implemented a notification system to inform you and shoppers about critical account changes. Specifically, this system sends alerts whenever a shopper's payment method or related account details are modified. These notifications ensure that all parties are immediately aware of updates that could affect transaction processing or account security. Below, we list the various activities that trigger these important notifications.

The following activities trigger this notification.

The following classes trigger a payment information change notification:

Payment Information Change Notification Trigger Classes

The following classes trigger a payment information change notification:

  • RetryAccountUpdateDataProcessor

  • UpdateEmailAddressRequestProcessor

  • PaymentSourceRequestProcessor

  • SubscriptionTask

  • SubscriptionImpl

  • AddEditPaymentForm

  • SubscriptionInfoEditPaymentInfoCommand

  • DisplayUpdateAddressPaymentInfoPage

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