Digital rights revocation

Understand how the Digital Rights Revocation service works.

The Digital Rights Revocation service is a real-time, request/response-based process to revoke one external digital right. The service revokes a key that has already been delivered to the shopper. A key revocation integration requests to revoke or remove a key (serial number of unlock code) distributed when a product was purchased.

You can use the Digital Rights Revocation service to revoke a single previously granted external digital right. You can send multiple revocation calls if you need to revoke multiple digital rights for an order.

You can create a custom integration to revoke a key when:

  • A product is returned

  • An order is refunded or canceled

  • There is a chargeback, fraud, or some other failure in payment or order authorization

  • Notification—Global Commerce generates a Revocation Service Request and sends the request to your endpoint.

  • Required response to notification—Your endpoint must synchronously respond with a Revocation Service Response.

Revocation request

The revocation request is an essential part of the Digital Rights Management process. It involves Global Commerce generating a Revocation Service Request when certain conditions are met, such as returns or chargebacks, and sending this request to the client’s endpoint. The client’s endpoint must then respond with a Revocation Service Response to confirm the revocation details and ensure the integrity of digital transactions by invalidating digital rights that are no longer valid due to various reasons, such as disputes or payment failures.

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					"_xmlns:ns8": "",
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						"__text": "1"
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		"revocationReason": {
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			"_xsi:type": "xsd:string",
			"__text": "Return-Product"
		"revocationInfo": {
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				"_xsi:nil": "true"
			"suppressionInfo": {
				"_xsi:type": "ns1:SuppressionRevocationInfo",
				"_xsi:nil": "true"
			"returnInfo": {
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					"__text": "2013456789"
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					"__text": "301245789"
				"returnDate": {
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					"__text": "2014-09-14T12:00:32.212Z"
				"returnReason": {
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					"_xsi:type": "xsd:string",
					"__text": "RETURN_REASON"
				"returnTotalAmount": {
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						"__text": "11.11"
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						"__text": "11.11"
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				"returnTaxAmount": {
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						"__text": "0.00"
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						"__text": "USD"
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						"__text": "11.11"
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				"returnLineItemSubtotalAmount": {
					"currencyCode": {
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						"_xsi:type": "xsd:string",
						"__text": "USD"
					"amount": {
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						"__text": "11.11"
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					"_xsi:type": "ns20:MoneyInfo"
				"returnLineItemTaxAmount": {
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						"_xsi:type": "xsd:string",
						"__text": "USD"
					"amount": {
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						"__text": "0.00"
					"_xmlns:ns21": "",
					"_xsi:type": "ns21:MoneyInfo"
				"returnLineItemShippingAmount": {
					"currencyCode": {
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						"_xsi:type": "xsd:string",
						"__text": "USD"
					"amount": {
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						"_xsi:type": "xsd:decimal",
						"__text": "0.00"
					"_xmlns:ns24": "",
					"_xsi:type": "ns24:MoneyInfo"
				"returnLineItemQuantity": {
					"_xmlns:xsd": "",
					"_xsi:type": "xsd:int",
					"__text": "1"
				"satisfaction": {
					"_xmlns:xsd": "",
					"_xsi:type": "xsd:boolean",
					"__text": "false"
				"_xsi:type": "ns1:ReturnRevocationInfo"
			"_xmlns:xsi": "",
			"_xsi:type": "ns1:RevocationInfo"
		"_xmlns:ns1": "",
		"__prefix": "ns1"

Revocation reasons

The reasons for revocation provide a detailed explanation of why a Digital Right might be revoked. These reasons cover various scenarios, including disputes, fraud detection, returns, cancellations, and failures in payment or authorization. Understanding these reasons helps identify the appropriate response and ensure the integrity of digital transactions. Below is a list of potential revocation reasons and their descriptions:

  • DisputeLineitem: The Line Item that contains the Digital Right is under dispute.

  • DisputeAmount: A non-Line-Item-specific amount on the requisition is under dispute (for example, the client disputes $30.00 because they were unhappy with something).

  • FraudSuppression: Fraudulent activity has been detected, necessitating the suppression of the Digital Right transaction.

  • Return-Product: There is an issue with the product return.

  • Cancellation: The order has been canceled.

  • Chargeback: A chargeback has been initiated.

  • PaymentFailure: There has been a failure to pay or authorize an order.

  • OtherFailure: Other unspecified failures or issues have occurred.

  • ReturnSatisfaction: The Line Item containing the Digital Right underwent a satisfaction refund (the shopper did not return the product).

  • DeclinedSettlement: The Settlement Payment Transaction was declined.

  • PreLoadCancel: The preload Line Item was canceled and has not been released.


Schemas define the structure, content, and semantics of XML documents used for communication with our services. They ensure all transmitted data is consistent and adheres to expected formats, facilitating smooth integrations and data integrity across systems. Below, you can find the different versions of schemas used in our RevocationService, along with relevant links to the schema components, raw schema, and sample XML documents.

VersionSchema Components TableRaw SchemaSample XML

6 (Current)



Last updated