Creating a customer

Learn how to create a customer.

You can make this request without an access token by passing in your API key as a query parameter. You can also send this request with an anonymous or authenticated customer token.

POST requests

Send a POST shoppers request to the Shopper resource with the customer's information in the request payload.

To send a request with an access token:


To send a request without an access token, include your API key:


Request body

The content required for the payload depends on who maintains the master record for the customer's username and password information. The base customer account information includes the customer's name and email address. The following list displays the minimum Shopper resource fields required to create a customer record:

  • username

  • password (base64 encoded)

  • emailAddress

  • externalReferenceId

  • firstName

  • lastName

  • locale– Required for landed costs.

  • currency– Required for landed costs.

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