Available Admin API calls

Learn about the available Admin API calls.

The following tables list the available Admin API calls.

Customer management

File management

Order management

Refund management

Subscription management

Site management

Product management

Note that the products in the URL path represent the current product administrator session and the calls that you make to manage products on your online store.

Each paired request below performs the same task:

  • GET /v1/products/product/variations/{productId or ERID} and GET /v1/products/{productId or ERID}/variations/{productVariationId or variationERID}

  • POST /v1/products/product/variations/{productVariationId or variationERID} and POST /v1/products/{productId or ERID}/variations/{productVariationId or variationERID}

  • DEL /v1/products/product/variations/{productVariatinId or variatinERID} and DEL /v1/products/{productId or ERID}/variations/{productVariationId or variationERID}

  • GET /v1/products/{productId or ERID}/locales/{locale} GET /v1/products/{productId or ERID}/variation/{productVariationId or variationERID}/locales/{locale}

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