412 Precondition Failed

Understand the 412 Precondition Failed error codes for the Shopper APIs.

When you use a web API or service, you might get different status codes that tell you whether your request was successful. One of these status codes is 412 Precondition Failed. This code means the server couldn't process your request because one or more of the conditions you specified in the request headers were false. These conditions ensure that the data is consistent and correct.

If you see a 412 error, you should look closer at the conditions specified in the request. These conditions include version checks, modifications made since a certain date, or other requirements the request must meet before the operation succeeds. It's important to understand the cause of the 412 error so you can fix it and use the web service or API.


The value of the discount is invalid. The possible error descriptions are as follows:

  • The discount value is invalid. Provide a valid discount value and try again.The discount value is invalid for one of the following reasons:

    • The value of discount is less than 0

    • The value of discount is over the maximum value of DOUBLE when discountType is amountOff.

    • The value of discount is greater than 100 when discountType is percentOff.


The value of the discount type is invalid. The possible error descriptions are as follows:

  • The offer discount type is invalid. Provide a valid offer discount type and try again.The value of discountType shall be amountOff or percentOff.


The product ID is invalid. The possible error descriptions are as follows:

  • The product ID or product external reference ID is invalid. Provide the correct product ID or product external reference ID and try again.The product ID or product for external reference ID is invalid.


The validation failed for discount or discountType. The possible error descriptions are as follows:

  • Either the discount or discount type or both are missing. Include both the discount and discount type in the payload and try again.Need to provide discount and discountType.

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