Synchronous response error codes

Understand the synchronous response error codes for the Admin API.

When interacting with our services, it's possible to encounter various errors due to synchronous operations. These errors can occur when requests conflict, oftentimes due to simultaneous attempts to modify resources. This section outlines the common synchronous response error codes, clarifying the issues and how to resolve them. Understanding these codes will help in efficiently managing and troubleshooting concurrent processes, ensuring smoother operations.


Cannot update or change a product state for one of the following reasons:


Digital River does not allow multiple users to change the same product concurrently. For example, two Global Commerce users cannot simultaneously apply and save changes to the same product.

  • Cannot change product [$baseProductId] concurrently.


All product update requests must be completed before you can change the product state. For example:

  • Unable to change the product state for product [12345600] of [12345700], because there are [5] unfinished requests for [UPDATE_PRODUCT, UPDATE_PRODUCT_LIVE_CHANGE, CREATE_VARIATION].

Cannot retrieve order details because the order is still open or waiting for transfer. If queries continue to fail, the order may not exist.

The system cannot retrieve the order details because the order is still open or waiting for transfer. If queries continue to fail, the order may not exist.


All state change requests must be completed before you can change products. For example:

  • Unable to update product [65432100] of [65432200], because there are [3] unfinished requests for [DEPLOY_PRODUCT, RETIRE_PRODUCT].


An internal server error has occurred.


The system cannot validate the request for one of the following reasons:


The beginReceivedTime attribute's specified date and time values are later than the date and time value. Provide a date and time value for the endReceivedTime attribute later than the beginReceivedTime value.

  • The date and time for the [endReceivedTime] value [2023-04-01T00:00:00.000Z] must be later than the [beginReceivedTime] value [2023-06-01T00:00:00.000Z].


The specified duration between beginReceivedTime and endReceivedTime exceeded the maximum value. Provide a value equal to or less than 30 days and try again.

  • The duration between [beginReceivedTime] [2023-04-01T00:00:00.000Z] and [endReceivedTime] [2023-06-01T00:00:00.000Z] must be equal to or less than [30] days.


You cannot provide a future date and time for the beginReceivedTime value. Provide a past date and time value and try again.

  • The date and time for the [beginReceivedTime] value [2023-04-01T00:00:00.000Z] must be in the past.


The endReceivedTime value is not a valid date and time format. The expected format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ.

  • The [endReceivedTime] value [2023-06-01] is not a valid date and time format. The expected format is [yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ].


The specified limit value is invalid. Provide a valid value and try again.

  • The [limit] value [51] is invalid. The value must be a number between [1] and [50].


The specified values for taskStatus are invalid. Provide the expected values and try again.

  • The values [ABC, DEF] for [taskStatus] are invalid. The expected values are [COMPLETED, FAILED, PROCESSING, PUBLISHED].


The required siteId field is missing. Provide the expected value and try again.

  • Invalid site id.


You cannot include both startingAfter and endingBefore attributes in the request.

  • Cannot provide both [startingAfter] and [endingBefore] attributes in the request.


The system cannot validate due to missing information.


The required siteId customerId is missing. Provide the expected value and try again.

  • Missing required field: customerId.


This error indicates the customer's external reference ID{externalReferenceID} is not unique on the site. It ensures that each resource remains unique.



The specified product could not be found.

  • Cannot find the product [12345678]. The specified product IDs could not be found. Provide the correct product ID and try again.


This error is returned when the subscription ID does not match existing subscriptions. Verify the subscription ID and try again.

  • No subscription found with subscription ID: {subscriptionId}


This error is returned when the task ID does not match the existing task. Verify the task ID and try again.

  • The task cannot be found by id: [1234].


The system could not validate the request.

  • Variation [12345678] does not belong to the base product [87654321], try replacing the base product ID with 'product'.

Cannot find the order [{orderId}].

This error message indicates that the system could not find the specified order. Ensure the order ID is correct and exists within the system.

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