Testing scenarios

Learn how to test payment methods.

This page explains how to start testing your payment integrations and provides links to the payment methods currently supported in our test environment. When testing standard payment methods, such as cards (credit and debit), we provide data you can use to test against success and error scenarios. We also provide information on testing redirect and receiver-type payment methods.

Getting started

When evaluating your integration, always use your test API keys. This prevents you from interacting directly with payment services and ensures that the test data you enter does not create an actual charge or result in the funds transfer.

Use your confidential (secret) test API key when conducting testing in the Commerce API. Use your public test API key to create test payment sources in DigitalRiver.js.

Your testing approach depends on whether the payment method has an authentication flow of standard, redirect, or receiver. If you don't know the flow of the payment method you'd like to test, you can find it on the Supported payment methods page.

Supported payment methods in a test environment

The Commerce APIs support a wide range of payment methods. However, not all of them are currently supported in our testing environment. The test environment status for each payment method is on the Supported payment methods page.

Testing standard payment methods

The payment methods with a standard authentication flow that Digital River currently supports in our testing environment are Apple Pay, Credit Cards, and Google Pay.

Before accepting live payments, you can use the card numbers in this section to test against success and error scenarios. These numbers are only valid in our testing environment. They do not create a real charge or result in a transfer of funds.

To conduct the testing, create a source, and use the appropriate data to set the parameters of the creditCard hash table.

Success Scenarios

To test a successful payment, use the following basic credit card numbers. The expiration date must be at least one day in the future. Except for Visa, the security code can be any random three or four-digit number.

Card NumberBrandExpiration DateSecurity Code

3434 567890 12341

American Express

Any future date

Any four digits

3034 567890 1235

Diners Club

Any future date

Any three digits

6011 9876 9876 9876


Any future date

Any three digits

3528 9876 9876 9879


Any future date

Any three digits

5466 1600 0000 0008


Any future date

Any three digits

6226 2200 0000 0009


Any future date

Any three digits

4444 2222 3333 1111


Any future date


You can also test how your integration handles different 3D Secure 2 authentication scenarios. To test your 3D Secure 2 integrations, use the following test data:

Card NumberBrandExpiration DateSecurity Code

5454 5454 5454 5454




4917 6100 0000 0000




When prompted for 3D Secure 2 text challenges, use these credentials:

App TypePassword





Error Scenarios

Use these test card numbers to create payments that generate specific error scenarios. The expiration date must be at least one day in the future. The security code can be any random three-digit number:

Card Number

Error Scenario

4000 0000 0000 3295

A Source is not created. The state of the Source is failed.

4000 0000 0000 3600

A Source is successfully created but the Charge fails. The state of the Charge is failed.

4000 0000 0000 4103

Both a Source and Charge are successfully created, but the Capture fails. The Capture state is failed.

4000 0000 0000 4663

Source, Charge, and Capture are successful, but Refund fails. The Refund state is failed.

4000 0000 0000 4442

Both a Source and Charge are successfully created, but the Cancel fails. The Cancel state is failed.

Testing redirect payment methods

The following are the payment methods with a redirect authentication flow that Digital River currently supports in our testing environment: Afterpay, Alipay (domestic), Alipay+ (cross-border), Amazon Pay, Bancontact, BLIK, Boleto, CCAvenue, Clearpay, iDEAL, Klarna, Online Banking (FPX), Online Banking (IBP), Online Banking (Korea Bank Transfer), PayCo, PayPal, PayPal Billing, PayPal Credit, PayPal Py in 3, PayPal Pay in 4, PayPal RatenZahlung, SEPA Direct Debit, and TreviPay.

Success scenarios

Use the create source method to provide success scenario test data for the redirect payment sources. Once you've done this, you should receive a Source in a pending_redirect state.

You'll then be directed to our generic authorization page that contains accept and reject options. Follow the redirect and select one of the following options:

OptionExpected result


The Source moves to a chargeable state


The Source remains in a pending_redirect state.

Error scenarios

First, select one of the following payment methods for redirect sources. Then identify the error scenario you would like to test against. Finally, when creating an source the lastName parameter in the Owner object to the value you expect to trigger the scenario.

This tab's testing information applies to PayPal, PayPal Billing Agreement, and PayPal Credit.


lastName parameter

Expected result


Source creation fails. The Source state is failed .


Source creation is successful but Charge creation fails. The Charge state is failed .


Source and Charge creation is successful. Any refunds against the charge fail. Refund state is failed .

Testing receiver payment methods

Wire Transfer is currently the only payment method with a receiver authentication flow that Digital River supports in our testing environment.

You should coordinate with your support team when testing wire transfers. They can provide instructions on how to move your orders into a completed state.

Success scenarios

Use the create source method for receiver-type payment methods to provide success scenario test data. Once you've done this, you should receive a Source in a pending_funds state. You can then use the Source to complete your Checkout or Order.

Error scenarios

First, identify the error scenario you would like to test against from the following table. When creating a source, set the lastName parameter in the Owner object to the value you expect to trigger the scenario.


lastName parameter

Expected result


A Source is not created. The state of the Source is failed.


A Source is successfully created but the Charge fails. The state of the Charge is failed.


Both a Source and the Charge are successfully created but refunds against the Charge fail. The state of the Refund is failed.


Both a Source and the Charge are successfully created, and a Refund request against the Charge is successful but ultimately fails to refund.

Testing the CCAvenue payment method

You can test your payment integration in the CCAvenue sandbox. When evaluating your integration, always use your test API keys. This prevents you from interacting directly with payment services and ensures that the test data you enter does not create an actual charge or result in the funds transfer.

Use your confidential (secret) test API key when conducting testing in the Commerce API. Use your public test API key to create test payment sources in DigitalRiver.js.

Your testing approach depends on whether the payment method has an authentication flow of redirect. If you don't know the flow of the payment method you'd like to test, you can find it on the Supported payment methods page.

Use the following payment information when running a test.

Payment optionPayment informationNotes

Credit Card

4111111111111111 / 123

The expiration date must be at lease one day in the future.

Net Banking



select BHIM (first button) / 123456@upi

Wait for the countdown. Unified Payment Interface (UPI) identifier can be any six-digit number and @upi—for example, 123456@upi and 458093@upi. You can use every UPI identifier multiple times per day. However, when testing, you should either (1) clear the cookies or (2) use an incognito window every time after placing the order.



Success and error scenarios

To test for successful or failed payment scenarios, use any card number under Testing CCAvenue. Visit the Bank Response Page via the following URL https://test.ccavenue.com/bnk/servlet/processCCardReq?gtwID=AVN&requestType=PAYMENT to specify the card's behavior. Before running the test scenario, complete the necessary fields and set the Transaction Status to Y for a success scenario and N for an error scenario.

Last updated