
Learn more about the orders resource.

An order represents a business transaction between two parties. An order typically consists of a collection of line items, billing address, and shipping address.

The Orders resource provides access to an authenticated shopper's orders. Use the Orders API to get order details for a shopper.

Important: All methods in this API require an authenticated (full access) token.

Orders query parameters

The following describes the query parameters for orders.


Use the expand query parameter when you want additional fields to appear in the response. The expand query parameter provides other fields in the response. Expanding resources reduces the number of API calls required to accomplish a task. See Expand query parameter for more information and examples.


Use the fields query parameter to specify the fields that appear in the response. Filtering the fields returned in the response can conserve bandwidth and accelerate response time. See the Fields query parameter for more information and examples.

Order state

The orderState specifies the state of the order. The possible values are as follows: Open, In Process, Cancelled, Submitted, Complete, Dispute, In Review, Source Pending Funds, Source Pending Redirect, and Charge Pending.

Page number

The pageNumber specifies the page to display from the results page. The default is 10. Only available for GET /v1/shoppers/me/orders.

Page size

The pageSize specifies the maximum number of items to include on each page. Only available for GET /v1/shoppers/me/orders.


The token is the authorized or anonymous token for the shopper.

Order lookup query parameters

The following describes the query parameters for order-lookup.


Use the expand query parameter when you want additional fields to appear in the response. The expand query parameter provides other fields in the response. Expanding resources reduces the number of API calls required to accomplish a task. See Expand query parameter for more information.


Use the fields query parameter to specify the fields that appear in the response. Filtering the fields returned in the response can conserve bandwidth and accelerate response time. See Fields query parameter for more information.


The token is the authorized or anonymous token for the shopper.

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