Product external reference identifier (ERID)

Understand the product ERID.

Some companies have internal identifiers for their products. We call them external reference identifiers to distinguish them from our product identifiers. These external reference identifiers may or may not match the product identifier in Global Commerce.

You can use an external reference ID (ERID) to refer to either a product or a customer.

Best practices

If you want to use the external reference identifier (ERID) when creating or updating a product or product variation, we recommend that you:

  • Enable the Enforce Unique Value when configuring company settings in Global Commerce. When the Enforce Unique Value is enabled, duplicate ERIDs are not allowed. This ensures that you won't accidentally provide an ERID that would result in duplicate products in the response if you searched for a product by ERID.

  • Use the x-erid-as-pid=true in your HTTP requests when you provide an ERID. We use the value to identify the ID of the product as either a product identifier (productId) or an ERID. A false value indicates the product uses a product identifier. The value is false by default.

  • Use unique ERIDs for both the base product and its product variations. Don't mix ERIDs and product identifiers in a request.

Enabling the Enforce Unique Value

To enable the Enforce Unique Value:

  1. Sign in to Global Commerce.

  2. Select Administration, select Company, and then click Configure Company Settings. The Configure Company Settings page appears.

  3. Click Save.

Admin APIs and ERID

The ERID variable can be one of the following values: an individual, base, or product variation identifier. You can use an ERID when creating a product or updating a product.

Creating a product with an ERID

An ERID request requires the x-erid-as-pid=true header. The following example creates a new base product with an ERID and product variations using an variationERID.

You must enable the Enforce Unique value before you can use an ERID.

curl --location --request POST '{ERID}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_key>' \
--header 'header x-erid-as-pid=true' \
--data-raw '{
    "productType": "BASE",  
    "companyId": "ace",  
            "externalReferenceId": "ERID_BASE"
    "variations": [    
            "productType": "VARIATION",      
            "companyId": "cast",      
            "varyingAttributes": [        
                    "attributeName": "Color",          
                    "attributeValue": "Black"        
                    "attributeName": "fulfillmentType",          
                    "attributeValue": "Download"        
                    "externalReferenceId": "ERID_VARIATION_1"     
            "varyingAttributes": [        
                    "attributeName": "Color",          
                    "attributeValue": "Blue"        
                    "attributeName": "fulfillmentType",          
                    "attributeValue": "Download"        
                    "externalReferenceId": "ERID_VARIATION_2"     

Shopper APIs and ERID

You can use an ERID to search for or add a product to a cart. The following examples demonstrate how you can use the externalReferenceId with the product-related resource.

Retrieve specific products from the default catalog

The following request gets products with an externalReferenceId of 30, 35, and 40.

curl --location --request GET 
',35,40' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_key>' \

Add a product to a shopping cart using the external reference identifier

Using the externalReferenceId query parameter, the following request example adds a product to a cart.

curl --location --request GET 
'' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_key>' \

If you do not provide a company identifier, The API uses the company identifier associated with the API key.

Add a product by external reference identifier to the shopping cart and redirect to the storefront page

In a typical anonymous customer workflow, you can add products to a cart by external reference identifier, making a single POST call with a payload to the Web Checkout resource. The following payload (request entity) adds a product with the externalReferenceId of 123456789, with a quantity of 2, to a cart.

   "webCheckout": {
     "cart": {
       "lineItems": {
         "lineItem": {
           "quantity": "2",
           "product": {
             "externalReferenceId": "123456789"
              ... more closing curly braces ...

A successful request with this particular API results in a 302 redirect to a Digital River-hosted guest checkout page.

Last updated