Applying a midterm change with price override

Learn how to apply a midterm change with a price override for a subscription with add-ons.

Applying a midterm change with price override using the Preview cart resource

In this scenario, the customer has a basic subscription and decides to upgrade the subscription product with an add-on. Use the POST /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/preview-cart resource to upgrade the customer's subscription product. You need to include the product identifier (id), the quantity (quantity), and the prorated Unit Price (proratedUnitPrice). In the following example, the value for the proratedUnitPrice is 20.5.

curl --location --request POST '{subscriptionId}/preview-cart' \
--header 'authorization: Basic ***\
--data-raw '{
  "product" : {
    "id" : "5396391700"
  "quantity" : 1,
  "addOns" : [ {
    "product" : {
      "id" : "5400082600"
    "quantity" : 1,
    "proratedUnitPrice" : 0.0
  } ],
  "proratedUnitPrice" : 20.5

Applying a midterm change with price override using the Preview resource

In this scenario, the customer has a basic subscription and upgrades the subscription product with add-ons. Use the POST /v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/preview resource to upgrade the customer's subscription product. You need to include the product identifier (id), the quantity (quantity), the prorated Unit Price (proratedUnitPrice). In the following example, the value for the proratedUnitPrice is 20.5.

curl --location --request POST '{subscriptionId}/preview' \
--header 'authorization: Basic ***\
--data-raw '{    
  "product" : {
    "id" : "5363866300"
  "product" : {
    "id" : "5396391700"
  "product" : {
    "id" : "5396391700"
  "quantity" : 1,
  "addOns" : [ {
    "product" : {
      "id" : "5400082600"
    "quantity" : 1,
    "proratedUnitPrice" : 0.0
  } ],
  "proratedUnitPrice" : 20.5

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