Key event types

Understand the key event types that your integration might want to monitor

In the Digital River APIs, there are hundreds of types of events. Most integrations, however, only need to configure webhooks to listen for a small number of them.

For more information on event types, refer to Webhooks.

On this page, you'll find example payloads for:

Remember that the examples on this page aren't meant to be comprehensive. The actual data each event contains depends on that order's configuration. For example, cross-border order.* events typically have landed costs, orders with applied VAT identifiers generate events that contain taxIdentifiers[], and subscriptions result in order.* events with subscriptionInfo.

Core events

Certain core events notify you when payments are processed, fraud is detected, and refunds occur. For each of the following event types, this section provides example payloads and links to additional information:


For details, refer to the following pages:

    "id": "e5bf7399-49ba-4ea6-a217-65e8efcaee86",
    "type": "order.accepted",
    "data": {
        "object": {
            "id": "204440790336",
            "createdTime": "2021-11-01T18:23:02Z",
            "customerId": "550103150336",
            "currency": "USD",
            "email": "",
            "shipTo": {
                "address": {
                    "line1": "1234 Any Road W",
                    "city": "Minneapolis",
                    "postalCode": "55401",
                    "state": "MN",
                    "country": "US"
                "name": "Chase Marshall"
            "shipFrom": {
                "address": {
                    "country": "US"
            "billTo": {
                "address": {
                    "line1": "Any other road W",
                    "city": "Eagan",
                    "postalCode": "55122",
                    "state": "MN",
                    "country": "US"
                "name": "Chase Marshall",
                "email": ""
            "totalAmount": 27.01,
            "subtotal": 25.0,
            "totalFees": 0.0,
            "totalTax": 2.01,
            "totalImporterTax": 0.0,
            "totalDuty": 0.0,
            "totalDiscount": 0.0,
            "totalShipping": 5.0,
            "items": [
                    "id": "127911830336",
                    "skuId": "ed7b06bd-7b2e-4525-9156-cd6fcbe7fe42",
                    "productDetails": {
                        "id": "ed7b06bd-7b2e-4525-9156-cd6fcbe7fe42",
                        "name": "Widget",
                        "description": "A small gadget or mechanical device",
                        "countryOfOrigin": "US",
                        "weight": 10,
                        "weightUnit": "g",
                        "partNumber": "eecf60da-b082-47eb-9a3f-602820f22ed9"
                    "amount": 20.0,
                    "quantity": 2,
                    "state": "created",
                    "stateTransitions": {
                        "created": "2021-11-01T18:23:02Z"
                    "tax": {
                        "rate": 0.08025,
                        "amount": 1.61
                    "importerTax": {
                        "amount": 0.0
                    "duties": {
                        "amount": 0.0
                    "availableToRefundAmount": 0.0,
                    "fees": {
                        "amount": 0.0,
                        "taxAmount": 0.0
            "shippingChoice": {
                "amount": 5.0,
                "description": "standard",
                "serviceLevel": "SG",
                "taxAmount": 0.4
            "updatedTime": "2021-11-01T18:23:02Z",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "customerType": "individual",
            "sellingEntity": {
                "id": "C5_INC-ENTITY",
                "name": "DR globalTech Inc."
            "liveMode": false,
            "payment": {
                "charges": [
                        "id": "f38ea46b-f08e-4465-97ec-3aacd7e83ae6",
                        "createdTime": "2021-11-01T18:23:00Z",
                        "currency": "USD",
                        "amount": 27.01,
                        "state": "capturable",
                        "captured": false,
                        "refunded": false,
                        "sourceId": "4e1f0dfc-471c-4918-b541-66d29879b201",
                        "type": "customer_initiated"
                "sources": [
                        "id": "4e1f0dfc-471c-4918-b541-66d29879b201",
                        "type": "creditCard",
                        "amount": 27.01,
                        "owner": {
                            "firstName": "Chase",
                            "lastName": "Marshall",
                            "email": "",
                            "address": {
                                "line1": "Any other road W",
                                "city": "Eagan",
                                "postalCode": "55122",
                                "state": "MN",
                                "country": "US"
                        "creditCard": {
                            "brand": "Visa",
                            "expirationMonth": 7,
                            "expirationYear": 2027,
                            "lastFourDigits": "1111"
                "session": {
                    "id": "d68bcfbe-c502-4f3d-abaa-0e3784b68e94",
                    "amountContributed": 27.01,
                    "amountRemainingToBeContributed": 0.0,
                    "state": "complete",
                    "clientSecret": "d68bcfbe-c502-4f3d-abaa-0e3784b68e94_8b63972f-5eb2-49cb-ad55-3fa768fc96f1"
            "state": "accepted",
            "stateTransitions": {
                "accepted": "2021-11-01T18:23:05Z"
            "fraudState": "passed",
            "fraudStateTransitions": {
                "passed": "2021-11-01T18:23:05Z"
            "requestToBeForgotten": false,
            "capturedAmount": 0.0,
            "cancelledAmount": 0.0,
            "availableToRefundAmount": 0.0,
            "checkoutId": "0ef63391-ba3e-4c9d-9eb7-4f00cd2c3a39"
    "liveMode": false,
    "createdTime": "2021-11-01T18:23:06.272054Z",
    "webhookIds": [
    "digitalriverVersion": "2021-03-23"


Refer to the in-process fraud review event section on the Processing orders page for details.

    "id": "8a0b8ab1-930d-44bd-9d31-e5c94640cd88",
    "type": "order.review_opened",
    "data": {
        "object": {
            "id": "200529590336",
            "createdTime": "2021-09-28T13:26:37Z",
            "currency": "USD",
            "email": "",
            "shipTo": {
                "address": {
                    "line1": "122 Backwater Street",
                    "line2": "Suite 116",
                    "city": "Montreal",
                    "postalCode": "H3H2P2",
                    "state": "QC",
                    "country": "CA"
                "name": "Carmen Sandiego"
            "shipFrom": {
                "address": {
                    "country": "US"
            "billTo": {
                "address": {
                    "line1": "122 Backwater Street",
                    "line2": "Suite 116",
                    "city": "Montreal",
                    "postalCode": "H3H2P2",
                    "state": "QC",
                    "country": "CA"
                "name": "Carmen Sandiego",
                "email": ""
            "totalAmount": 28.75,
            "subtotal": 25.0,
            "totalFees": 0.0,
            "totalTax": 3.75,
            "totalImporterTax": 0.0,
            "totalDuty": 0.0,
            "totalDiscount": 0.0,
            "totalShipping": 5.0,
            "items": [
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                    "skuId": "c511793f-067a-4fa2-9980-d2c853b052ef",
                    "productDetails": {
                        "id": "c511793f-067a-4fa2-9980-d2c853b052ef",
                        "name": "Widget",
                        "description": "A small gadget or mechanical device",
                        "countryOfOrigin": "US",
                        "weight": 10,
                        "weightUnit": "g",
                        "partNumber": "eecf60da-b082-47eb-9a3f-602820f22ed9"
                    "amount": 20.0,
                    "quantity": 2,
                    "state": "created",
                    "stateTransitions": {
                        "created": "2021-09-28T13:26:38Z"
                    "tax": {
                        "rate": 0.14975,
                        "amount": 3.0
                    "importerTax": {
                        "amount": 0.0
                    "duties": {
                        "amount": 0.0
                    "availableToRefundAmount": 0.0,
                    "fees": {
                        "amount": 0.0,
                        "taxAmount": 0.0
            "shippingChoice": {
                "amount": 5.0,
                "description": "standard",
                "serviceLevel": "SG",
                "taxAmount": 0.75
            "updatedTime": "2021-09-28T13:26:37Z",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "customerType": "individual",
            "sellingEntity": {
                "id": "C5_INC-ENTITY",
                "name": "DR globalTech Inc."
            "liveMode": false,
            "payment": {
                "charges": [
                        "id": "3935e685-cb66-412b-82d7-32083de1dd2c",
                        "createdTime": "2021-09-28T13:26:40Z",
                        "currency": "USD",
                        "amount": 28.75,
                        "state": "capturable",
                        "captured": false,
                        "refunded": false,
                        "sourceId": "55030c51-20e0-4880-82c7-bc69f1881087",
                        "type": "customer_initiated"
                "sources": [
                        "id": "55030c51-20e0-4880-82c7-bc69f1881087",
                        "type": "creditCard",
                        "amount": 28.75,
                        "owner": {
                            "firstName": "Carmen",
                            "lastName": " Sandiego",
                            "email": "",
                            "address": {
                                "line1": "122 Backwater Street",
                                "line2": "Suite 116",
                                "city": "Montreal",
                                "postalCode": "H3H2P2",
                                "state": "QC",
                                "country": "CA"
                        "creditCard": {
                            "brand": "Visa",
                            "expirationMonth": 7,
                            "expirationYear": 2027,
                            "lastFourDigits": "1111"
                "session": {
                    "id": "187dcbd4-5aef-4a0e-b19c-63d6ab586b9e",
                    "amountContributed": 28.75,
                    "amountRemainingToBeContributed": 0.0,
                    "state": "complete",
                    "clientSecret": "187dcbd4-5aef-4a0e-b19c-63d6ab586b9e_c216d490-9f01-4f8f-8249-fefc16c2d93a"
            "state": "in_review",
            "stateTransitions": {
                "in_review": "2021-09-28T13:26:41Z"
            "fraudState": "review_opened",
            "fraudStateTransitions": {
                "review_opened": "2021-09-28T13:26:41Z"
            "requestToBeForgotten": false,
            "capturedAmount": 0.0,
            "cancelledAmount": 0.0,
            "availableToRefundAmount": 0.0,
            "checkoutId": "b8ec873d-6764-44ad-b159-176c8e9dca51"
    "liveMode": false,
    "createdTime": "2021-09-28T13:26:41.790409Z",
    "webhookIds": [
    "digitalriverVersion": "2021-03-23"


Refer to the pending charge authorization event section processing orders pages for details.

    "id": "04aca33a-92da-421e-aad2-05276e175cff",
    "type": "order.pending_payment",
    "data": {
        "object": {
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            "createdTime": "2021-11-01T11:52:50Z",
            "currency": "USD",
            "email": "",
            "shipTo": {
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                    "line1": "10380 Bren Road West",
                    "city": "Minnetonka",
                    "postalCode": "55343",
                    "state": "MN",
                    "country": "US"
                "name": "William Brown",
                "phone": "763-397-8956",
                "email": ""
            "shipFrom": {
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                    "line1": "Kornmarken 35",
                    "line2": "line2",
                    "city": "Billund",
                    "postalCode": "100091",
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            "billTo": {
                "address": {
                    "line1": "1234 Fake St.",
                    "city": "Minnetonka",
                    "postalCode": "55343",
                    "state": "MN",
                    "country": "US"
                "name": "William Brown",
                "phone": "763-397-8956",
                "email": ""
            "totalAmount": 27.16,
            "subtotal": 25.25,
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            "totalTax": 1.91,
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    "createdTime": "2021-11-01T11:52:53.606272Z",
    "webhookIds": [