Add a product during Prebuilt Checkout

Learn how to add a product to the Create Prebuilt Checkout links page.

You can create and add a new product or choose to add a current product to the Create Prebuilt Checkout links page.

If you have an Administrator role, you can create and add a new product or choose from an existing product without having to leave the Create Prebuilt Checkout links page. If you have a Customer Service role, you can add a current product without leaving the Create Prebuilt Checkout links page.

Note: You must first provide the 3-character currency code in the Product subsection of the Create Prebuilt Checkout links page to add any products to the page.

To create and add a new product to the Create Prebuilt Checkout links page, do the following:

Note: If you have a Customer Service role, you can only add a current product and will not see the option to Create new product on the modal.

  1. In the Required information section of the Create Prebuilt Checkout links page, provide the 3-character currency code in the Product subsection of the page.

  2. In the Required information section of the Create Prebuilt Checkout links page, click Add product(s) to display the Add product modal.

  3. Select Create new product to expand the Add product modal. If your account has no SKU groups, you cannot use the Create new product option when the modal opens. You will only have the ability to choose from current products.

  4. Add the requested information in the Required information subsection section of the modal. You must complete every field in this section to add the new product. The information required is the following:

    • ID - Product ID.

    • Name - Name of the product.

    • SKU group - SKU group associated with the products being requested. Click in the SKU group field to select from a pop-up list of SKU groups. If you do not find the existing SKU group you want, you must choose from current products or create a new SKU in the SKUs section.

    • Country of origin - The two-letter code representing the country the product is shipped from.

    • Weight - The weight of the product being shipped.

    • Unit - The unit of weight being used to measure the product's weight.

  5. Enter any additional information you want to provide in the Optional information section of the Add product modal. You can enter the following:

    • Description

    • URL - Provide the URL of a resource that contains the product's description.

    • Image - Provide the URL of a resource that contains the product's image. This resource should be similar to the image(s) you display to customers while they review products and add them to their cart.

    • Part number

To add a current product to the Create Prebuilt Checkout links page, do the following:

  1. In the Required information section of the Create Prebuilt Checkout links page, provide the three-character currency code in the Product subsection of the page.

  2. In the Required information section of the Create Prebuilt Checkout links page, click Add product(s) to display the Add product modal.

  3. Select Choose from current products to expand the Add product modal.

To change any of the products you have already added to the Create Prebuilt Checkout links page, do the following:

  1. After you have already added a product to the Create Prebuilt Checkout links page, click Change product in the Product subsection of the Required information section to redisplay the Add product modal.

  2. Select Choose from current products to expand the list of the current products. Enter the product SKU ID to add the SKU manually or click SKU list page to go to the SKUs list page and search for the SKU you are looking for.

  3. To add an additional product to the page, click Add additional current SKU. Another SKU ID field is added to let you enter the required information.

Last updated