The Bancontact Source Details object requires the following fields.
{"returnUrl": ""}
If you choose to use the full redirect flow, this is where you will redirect your customer to after authorizing or canceling within the Bancontact experience.
Step 2: Create a Bancontact source using DigitalRiver.js
Use the DigitalRiver.js library to create and mount elements to the HTML container.
When you create a Bancontact source, the customer is required to authorize the charge through their payment provider. You can accomplish this by redirecting the customer to their payment provider.
Redirecting the customer for Bancontact authorization
To redirect your customer to the payment provider for authorization, use the redirectUrl parameter in your createSource response.
The payment provider will present the customer with the transaction details and the customer can authorize, or cancel the transaction. A successful authorization redirects the customer to the Bancontact Return URL parameter you specified when you created the source.
Once authorized, the source state will change to chargeable.