Generate Prebuilt Checkout links

Learn how to initiate a Prebuilt Checkout session and generate your own Prebuilt Checkout links.

You can configure Prebuilt Checkout in the Digital River Dashboard to generate Prebuilt Checkout links. Share these links to connect customers to an upstream commerce system with Digital River's payment processing, fraud detection, tax exemption, and disclosure services.

To use this feature, you first create and save a Prebuilt Checkout. You can create, save, update, and manage Prebuilt Checkout scoped configurations if assigned an Administrator role.

If you have an Administrator or Customer Service role, you can go to the Create Prebuilt Checkout link page and initiate a session to generate Prebuilt Checkout links. Share these links with customers to access a UI checkout model that lets them complete a purchase.

For more information on creating a Prebuilt Checkout configuration, refer to Prebuilt Checkout.

Use the Create Prebuilt Checkout link page to

To create a Prebuilt Checkout link session that lets you generate one-time use and reusable checkout links, do the following:

  1. Go to the Order Management section in the left navigation of the Dashboard.

  2. Click Prebuilt Checkout links to go to the Prebuilt Checkout links page.

  3. Click the Add link button at the top of the page. The Create Prebuilt Checkout link page appears.

Provide the Prebuilt Checkout session information

Use the following steps to provide checkout session information (required and optional) on the Create Prebuilt Checkout link page.

  1. Click Order Management in the Digital RIver Dashboard left navigation. Click Prebuilt Checkout links to go to the Prebuilt Checkout links page. Click Add link.

  2. Under Required information, enter the three-character currency code in the Currency field of the Product subsection. Refer to the ISO-4217 Standard for more information on currency codes.

  3. Under Required information, click Add Product to display the Add product modal and add a new or current product to your Prebuilt Checkout session. Follow the modal instructions to add a new product or choose from existing products.

  4. Under this page's Default shipping methods subsection, default shipping method information is pulled from the saved Prebuilt Checkout configuration to populate this page section with the configured information. None will be displayed if you have not initially configured default shipping methods. You are then given an alert message and a link to the Configure Prebuilt Checkout page to configure the required shipping methods.

  5. Under Optional information, add your Shopping country by specifying its two-character country code. Note: The country choice you provide here overrides the Default shopping country choice set in the original Prebuilt Checkout configuration if it is a different country choice. If you enter nothing in this field, the session uses the value specified in the Prebuilt Checkout configuration.

  6. Under Optional information, add your checkout session's Language setting. Digital River uses the checkout-session's language to set the checkout's language, which, once the order is successfully created, determines how purchase invoices and credit memos are localized. Refer to Supported languages for more information.

  7. Under Optional information, select the tax-inclusive option you want in the Tax inclusive subsection. Click the correct radio button to select your desired option (Not selected, True, or False). Refer to Tax calculations and Configuring Taxes for more information on these options. The option you choose is later displayed on the Checkout link details page.

  8. Under Optional information, click Add Customer to display the Add customers modal. From this modal, you can either:

    1. Select Create new customer to add a new customer to the page. Add the requested customer info. Click Continue to add the new customer to the Create Prebuilt Checkout link page. Note: When creating a new customer, you must select either Individual or Business as a customer Type, or you cannot add the customer information to the Create Prebuilt Checkout link page.

    2. Select Choose from current customers to add an existing customer to the page. Provide the existing Customer ID or email address in the Search field to search for and display that customer's information. Click Continue to add the customer to the page. Note: For complete details on adding or changing a customer, refer to Add a customer during Prebuilt Checkout.

  9. Add optional order-level metadata to the Prebuilt checkout session. Provide additional metadata that may be useful for Sales or a client brand. You can add metadata on this page that is integrated into the order object and is visible in all order-related webhooks. For instance, if a client system captures an order.accepted event, you could include metadata in the accepted order. Metadata can be helpful for a client setting a specific value, such as a number or code, as information for a particular checkout. They could easily include metadata to identify that order when it comes through. In the Optional information Metadata subsection, enter the following information in the row:

    • Name: Provide a descriptive name (for example, subscriberID or coupon_Program) for the metadata you add.

    • String: Select the correct datatype for the metadata from the drop-down list. Choose either String, Integer, or Boolean. The default setting is String.

    • Value: Provide the metadata value you passed with the prebuilt checkout session.

  10. Click Add metadata to add another metadata and repeat Step 8.

  11. Under Optional information, enter the JSON script in the field of Customize style subsection. This script customizes the style of the checkout modal presented to a customer when a checkout link is clicked. In this subsection, you also have a link to click to go to the information assisting with the coding of the modal script. You are also provided with a "starter" template version of a script (on the right side of the subsection) that you can copy into the field and modify as needed.

Once Required and Optional information has been entered, if you have an Administrator or Customer Service role, you can generate a one-time use Prebuilt Checkout link to share with a customer.

Use the following steps to generate a one-time use Prebuilt Checkout link:

  1. Click Generate reusable link button on the Create Prebuilt Checkout links page. This action launches a Prebuilt Checkout link details page with the one-time-use link information in the Prebuilt Checkout session link section. This link expires in 24 hours and is NOT reusable. The link can be shared with customers to access a UI checkout modal that lets them complete a purchase. Note: If you use the one-time-use (single session) link at all during this Prebuilt Checkout session, you will not be able to generate a reusable link.

  2. Click the copy icon next to the generated link information to copy the link URL to the Clipboard.

  3. Share the copied link with a customer as desired.

Once Required and Optional information has been entered, you can generate a reusable Prebuilt Checkout link to share with a customer if assigned an Administrator or Customer service role.

Use the following steps to generate a reusable Prebuilt Checkout link:

  1. Click the Generate reusable link button on the Create Prebuilt Checkout links page. This action launches a Checkout link details page with the one-time-use link information and an option in the middle of the page to create a reusable link by clicking the Generate reusable link button.

  2. Confirm all information displayed on the Checkout link details page before generating the reusable link.

  3. Click the Generate reusable link button to create the reusable Prebuilt Checkout link. This action again launches an updated Checkout link details page, but this time, it also displays the reusable link URL in the Re-usable link portion of the page. This link is reusable and does not expire. This link can be shared with customers to access a UI checkout modal that lets them complete a purchase. Note: You cannot generate the reusable link using the one-time-use (single session) during this Prebuilt Checkout session.

  4. Click the copy icon next to the generated reusable link to copy the reusable link URL to the Clipboard.

  5. Share the copied link with a customer as desired.

Understand the checkout modal

When you generate either a one-time or reusable link, you can share it with a customer to allow that customer access to a UI checkout modal that lets them complete a purchase.

The style and appearance of the checkout modal interface can differ depending on the information provided in the Optional information section of the Prebuilt Checkout links page. This would include providing the modal style script.

After a customer receives a shared Prebuilt Checkout link and clicks it, they are presented with a purchase checkout flow of checkout modals. Following the modals and providing any remaining information, they can complete their purchase without needing a storefront user interface.

An example of a checkout modal flow might look like the following. In the first example, the customer is purchasing a SAAS service, which is not taxed since it is a digital product (as opposed to a physical). Also, if a customer ID had been provided in the initial session settings, all name and address information would have populated the related fields:

The following modal screen flow example shows the modals received with the purchase of a physical product with taxes included:

When the customer is presented with these checkout modals, they can complete their purchase without needing an actual storefront user interface.

If you have an Administrator role, you can delete reusable or one-time-use Prebuilt Checkout links to remove them from circulation.

Use the following procedure to delete a reusable or one-time-use Prebuilt Checkout link while on the Prebuilt Checkout links page.

  1. Go to the Order Management section in the left navigation of the Digital RIver Dashboard. Click Prebuilt Checkout links to go to the Prebuilt Checkout links page. This page lists all permanent links you have created and provides an ID link to each link's details page.

  2. Click the More icon (vertical ellipses) at the link row's end.

  3. Click Delete to delete that Prebuilt Checkout link and its information. Note: Only users with an Administrator role can delete a link. The following modal appears:

  4. Click Confirm to delete the link.

You can also delete a link from the Prebuilt checkout link details page by doing the following:

  1. Go to the Order Management section in the left navigation of the Digital RIver Dashboard.

  2. Click Prebuilt Checkout links to go to the Prebuilt Checkout links page.

  3. Use the Search link ID feature or scroll to find the link whose details you want to view. Click ID. The Prebuilt Checkout link details page appears with all the link information.

  4. Click Delete link at the top of the page.

  5. Click Confirm. A green "Checkout link deleted" message appears if the link is successfully removed. A red "Checkout link not deleted" message appears if invalid data is entered.\

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