Applying store credit (legacy)

Learn how to apply store credit

This page explains how to use store credit in versions 2020-09-30, 2020-12-17, and 2021-02-23. For versions 2021-03-23 and higher, refer to Applying store credit.

For non-recurring transactions, customers can pay using store credit, a unique payment type that allows you to connect your credit management system to checkouts. With store credit, you manage customers' credit on your end, and can display the amount available to them during the checkout process.

Store credit is a single-use payment source and therefore can't be saved to a customer's record.

You create store credit payment sources and then Digital River attaches the store credit to the checkout.

When funding the transaction, you can use store credit alone or pair it with a primary payment source.

With store credit, the steps necessary to handle fulfillments and request refunds remain the same, but, if an order's sources[] contain store credit and a primary payment source, you should be aware of how Digital River handles captures, cancels, and refunds.

Digital River API does not currently support Amazon Pay with store credit.

Creating store credit

You create store credit by passing creditAmount in either a POST/ checkouts or POST/ checkouts/{id} request. The value you pass represents the amount of store credit you're extending to the customer.

Handling multiple lines of credit

You can only send creditAmount once. If the checkout already contains a creditAmount and you pass creditAmount in an update request, then the following error is thrown:

    "type": "conflict",
    "errors": [
            "code": "creditAmount_already_updated",
            "message": "Credit amount has already been updated."

So, when customers opt to apply multiple lines of credit to the transaction, aggregate that amount and send creditAmount in a single API request.

How store credit is attached to checkouts

After you create store credit, Digital River adds a sources[] with a type of customerCredit to the checkout.

    "id": "ef285ef9-8bf8-4589-9eeb-2cabe5ac2f2b",
    "creditAmount": 10.0,
    "sources": [
            "id": "f9b80c8f-07fd-4b2d-8c64-eea729712fc2",
            "createdTime": "2021-03-08T20:47:07Z",
            "type": "customerCredit",
            "currency": "USD",
            "amount": 5.0,
            "reusable": false,
            "state": "consumed",
            "owner": {
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Doe",
                "email": "",
                "address": {
                    "line1": "434 3rd Street",
                    "city": "Minneapolis",
                    "postalCode": "55401",
                    "state": "MN",
                    "country": "US"
            "clientSecret": "f9b80c8f-07fd-4b2d-8c64-eea729712fc2_d2829190-fd91-4455-8851-8b2e27affd54",
            "customerCredit": {}
    "sourceId": "f9b80c8f-07fd-4b2d-8c64-eea729712fc2"

Funding the transaction

You can fund a transaction entirely with store credit or pair store credit with a primary payment source. In either case, Digital River first computes taxes based on the checkout's totalAmount, and then applies the store credit.

For a list of primary sources that can be combined with customerCredit, refer to combining payment sources on the Managing sources page.

Using store credit alone

A customer can make a purchase entirely with store credit. To do so, a checkout's creditAmount must be equal to or greater than its totalAmount before you create the order. In this case, you're not required to pair store credit with a primary payment source.

However, if a checkout's only sources[] has a type of customerCredit, you must set the checkout's billTo. If you don't, you'll receive a 409 Conflict when you submit the create order request.

Pairing store credit with a primary payment source

If a checkout's creditAmount is less than its totalAmount, then you'll need to associate a primary payment source with the checkout.

If you don't do this, and you attempt to convert the checkout to an order, you receive the following error:

    "type": "bad_request",
    "errors": [
            "code": "order_submit_failed",
            "message": "Payment session status is invalid."

If a checkout's sources[] contains customerCredit as well as a primary payment source, you can replace the primary source with a different primary source by sending its sourceId in the payload of a POST/checkouts/{id}.

How you sequence the use of store credit with a primary source depends on whether the latter is single use or reusable.

Single use primary sources

If the primary source has a reusable value that's false, then you must first create the store credit before attaching the primary source.

If your integration attaches a single use primary payment source to a checkout, and then attempts to update the checkout with a creditAmount, you'll receive the following 409 Conflict:

    "type": "conflict",
    "errors": [
            "code": "source_not_supported",
            "parameter": "sourceId",
            "message": "The source status is invalid for this session."

Reusable primary sources

If the primary source has a reusable value that's true, thereby indicating that it's saved to the customer's record, then the sequence doesn't matter. In other words, your workflow can create store credit before or after attaching a primary source to the checkout.

Store credit in orders

If a checkout's only sources[] has a type of customerCredit, then, upon order creation, Digital River uses that source to generate a single charge.

On the other hand, if you pair store credit with a primary source in a checkout, and then create the order, Digital River generates two charges. In the following example, the sources[] with a type of customerCredit is used to generate one of the order's charges[] and the creditCredit source is used to generate the other.

    "id": "185314800336",
    "totalAmount": 21.51,
    "subtotal": 20.0,
    "creditAmount": 10.0,
    "sources": [
            "id": "f04ac3b4-016a-4c75-a093-20115bd27b5b",
            "type": "creditCard",
            "amount": 21.51,
            "reusable": true,
            "state": "chargeable",
            "creditCard": {
                "brand": "Visa",
                "expirationMonth": 7,
                "expirationYear": 2027,
                "lastFourDigits": "1111"
            "id": "3066c73f-0894-44ee-8ae6-4cd8be32642e",
            "type": "customerCredit",
            "amount": 10.0,
            "reusable": false,
            "state": "consumed",
            "customerCredit": {}
    "charges": [
            "id": "aa747a62-6b56-4053-a2b7-a89fccb38389",
            "amount": 10.0,
            "state": "capturable",
            "sourceId": "3066c73f-0894-44ee-8ae6-4cd8be32642e",
            "id": "2ad942b5-6e47-40ca-b991-9bbd02b36a44",
            "amount": 11.51,
            "state": "capturable",
            "sourceId": "f04ac3b4-016a-4c75-a093-20115bd27b5b",
    "checkoutId": "afb203a4-6ca8-4748-9450-4586969a17ca"

How Digital River handles captures, cancels, and refunds

When pairing store credit with a primary payment source, you should be aware of the logic Digital RIver uses to capture charges, cancel charges and process refunds.

How we capture store credit

When you notify Digital River that an order is partially or completely fulfilled, we attempt to capture the charge created from the customerCredit source before capturing the charge generated from the primary payment source.

The following example order demonstrates this concept. The order contains a single items[] with a quantity of 2 and its totalAmount is 26.89. The order was created with a creditAmount of 11.0 and a supplemental credit card to cover the shortfall. As a result, two objects are contained in its charges[].

So, in this example, when a POST /fulfillments with a quantity of 1 gets submitted, thereby notifying Digital River of a partial fulfillment, we completely capture the charge amount created from customerCredit and move that charge's state to complete.

But, since not all of the order's items[] are fulfilled, the charge amount created from the creditCard is only partially captured. As a result, that charge's state remains capturable.

    "id": "185326550336",
    "totalAmount": 26.89,
    "subtotal": 25.0,
    "totalTax": 1.89,
    "items": [
            "id": "106494910336",
            "skuId": "6b04ac06-0858-456c-90aa-235772dea9e2",
            "amount": 20.0,
            "quantity": 2,
    "creditAmount": 11.0,
    "sources": [
            "id": "21216ef6-d153-445a-8c81-3d912dfcf63a",
            "type": "customerCredit",
            "amount": 11.0,
            "customerCredit": {}
            "id": "10103f7f-ce6f-47f2-b064-47931779ebea",
            "type": "creditCard",
            "amount": 15.89,
            "paymentSessionId": "cac4fac7-8c54-46d8-86b1-c595a963d719",
            "creditCard": {
                "brand": "Visa",
                "expirationMonth": 7,
                "expirationYear": 2027,
                "lastFourDigits": "1111"
    "charges": [
            "id": "84cdf3e6-f70e-49ca-8847-248d039f66d9",
            "amount": 11.0,
            "state": "complete",
            "captured": true,
            "captures": [
                    "id": "a57b0805-4b57-46ec-a963-124ada0b536a",
                    "createdTime": "2021-03-08T21:14:51Z",
                    "amount": 11.0,
                    "state": "complete"
            "sourceId": "21216ef6-d153-445a-8c81-3d912dfcf63a",
            "id": "60bbc0e7-affc-46ed-a3e8-3171d4de01cb",
            "amount": 15.89,
            "state": "capturable",
            "captured": true,
            "captures": [
                    "id": "42253229-ad78-4c64-8096-9bb4138b4433",
                    "createdTime": "2021-03-08T21:14:51Z",
                    "amount": 2.45,
                    "state": "complete"
            "sourceId": "10103f7f-ce6f-47f2-b064-47931779ebea",
    "checkoutId": "9d92cc87-0e22-4dbe-bc76-e9d8eba1435f"

How we cancel store credit

When you notify us that an order is partially or completely cancelled, we attempt to cancel the charge created from the primary payment source before cancelling the charge generated from the customerCredit.

The following example order demonstrates this concept. The order contains a single items[] with a quantity of 2 and its totalAmount is 20.0. The order was created with a creditAmount of 5.0 and a supplemental credit card to cover the shortfall. As a result, two objects are contained in its charges[].

So, in this example, when a POST /fulfillments with a cancelQuantity of 1 gets submitted, we partially cancel the charge amount created from the creditCard source. Note that no cancels have been performed yet on the charge generated from the customerCredit.

    "id": "186017330336",
    "totalAmount": 20.0,
    "subtotal": 20.0,
    "totalTax": 0.0,
    "items": [
            "id": "107253530336",
            "skuId": "c59bc37a-1351-4efe-939a-7f15381ed905",
            "amount": 20.0,
            "quantity": 2,
    "creditAmount": 5.0
    "sources": [
            "id": "9110f993-075c-446b-a557-858adce4463e",
            "type": "creditCard",
            "amount": 15.0,
            "creditCard": {
                "brand": "Visa",
                "expirationMonth": 7,
                "expirationYear": 2027,
                "lastFourDigits": "1111"
            "id": "221e9fa6-2cdb-4bda-aaf4-1c6edb185441",
            "type": "customerCredit",
            "amount": 5.0,
            "customerCredit": {}
    "charges": [
            "id": "0d08d450-3c87-4456-9900-5c7e2009d7ce",
            "amount": 15.0,
            "state": "capturable",
            "captured": false,
            "refunded": false,
            "cancels": [
                    "id": "c92fc885-d53b-42ba-ba5a-7a32a9e5f6d2",
                    "createdTime": "2021-03-18T20:27:20Z",
                    "amount": 10.0,
                    "state": "complete"
            "sourceId": "9110f993-075c-446b-a557-858adce4463e",
            "id": "15f0f926-206a-4843-a96f-2fb07bc44087",
            "amount": 5.0,
            "state": "capturable",
            "captured": false,
            "refunded": false,
            "sourceId": "221e9fa6-2cdb-4bda-aaf4-1c6edb185441",

How we refund store credit

When you issue a refund on an order that uses store credit, the refund is first applied to the primary payment source and then the store credit.

The following example order demonstrates this concept. The order was funded with store credit and a supplemental credit card. It was completely fulfilled, meaning both of its charges[] were fully captured and moved into a complete state.

After being fulfilled, the client system submitted an order-level refund of 50 percent.

Notice that the credit card is fully refunded. However, the customerCredit is only partially refunded. This means that in any subsequent refund requests, the order's remaining availableToRefundAmount will be issued to the customerCredit.

    "id": "185317330336",
    "totalAmount": 26.89,
    "subtotal": 25.0,
    "totalTax": 1.89,
    "totalShipping": 5.0,
    "items": [
            "id": "106484310336",
            "skuId": "6b04ac06-0858-456c-90aa-235772dea9e2",
            "amount": 20.0,
            "quantity": 2,
            "tax": {
                "rate": 0.07525,
                "amount": 1.51
            "availableToRefundAmount": 13.44,
    "creditAmount": 20.0,
    "sources": [
            "id": "b77fec60-590b-4330-8d6b-bb069cf5545e",
            "type": "customerCredit",
            "amount": 20.0,
            "state": "consumed",
            "customerCredit": {}
            "id": "b73d759c-eff0-4327-960f-75b86dd87764",
            "type": "creditCard",
            "amount": 6.89,
            "state": "consumed",
            "creditCard": {
                "brand": "Visa",
                "expirationMonth": 7,
                "expirationYear": 2027,
                "lastFourDigits": "1111"
    "refundedAmount": 13.45,
    "state": "complete",
    "charges": [
            "id": "b80d59ee-546d-4f04-8fc9-8c4f630594aa",
            "amount": 20.0,
            "state": "complete",
            "captured": true,
            "captures": [
                    "id": "012d0a54-8e34-48a5-b5e0-5d6735901d95",
                    "createdTime": "2021-03-08T20:01:34Z",
                    "amount": 20.0,
                    "state": "complete"
            "refunded": true,
            "refunds": [
                    "createdTime": "2021-03-08T20:06:44Z",
                    "amount": 6.56,
                    "state": "complete"
            "sourceId": "b77fec60-590b-4330-8d6b-bb069cf5545e",
            "id": "c7464db6-33c8-45f6-9cb6-4fa5a2a658c9",
            "amount": 6.89,
            "state": "complete",
            "captured": true,
            "captures": [
                    "id": "191c66ac-7713-49f3-a605-ec9fae84fbf9",
                    "createdTime": "2021-03-08T20:01:34Z",
                    "amount": 6.89,
                    "state": "complete"
            "refunded": true,
            "refunds": [
                    "createdTime": "2021-03-08T20:06:44Z",
                    "amount": 6.89,
                    "state": "complete"
            "sourceId": "b73d759c-eff0-4327-960f-75b86dd87764",
    "capturedAmount": 26.89,
    "availableToRefundAmount": 13.44,
    "checkoutId": "dc16d13b-d379-45bc-9be1-f3bd798410d2"

Last updated