Getting a sales summary by ID

Learn how to get a sales summary by identifier.

Obtaining a detailed view of sales summaries is crucial for managing and analyzing your sales data. By retrieving a sales summary using its unique identifier, you can access comprehensive information that supports informed decision-making and strategic planning for your business. This process is straightforward and involves sending a request with the necessary parameters. The following sections describe how to perform this operation effectively.

Setting sales summary path parameter

The following table lists the required parameters you can provide in a get Sales Summary by ID request.




Unique sales summary identifier.

Get sales summary by ID request and response

To obtain a sales summary by ID, you can send a GET /sales-summaries request with the sales summary's unique ID. The response will provide detailed information about the sales summary, allowing you to evaluate and use this data for your business operations.

To retrieve details of a sales summary, you must supply the unique identifier of the sales summary:


A 200 OK response returns the Sales Summary object.

  "id": "8100000400_1410_2019",
  "createdTime": "2019-04-25T20:36:00Z",
  "updatedTime": "2019-04-26T20:36:00Z",
  "salesClosingTime": "2019-04-25T00:00:00Z",
  "currency": "USD",
  "amount": 1180.26,
  "payoutId": "2000028600_1410_2019",
  "paid": true,
  "payerId": "1410",
  "payerName": "DR globalTech, Inc.",
  "payeeId": "0013900100",
  "payeeName": "ACME, Inc.",
  "liveMode": true

Last updated