Getting a sales transaction by ID

Learn how to get a sales transaction by identifier.

You can use the get Sales Transactions by ID request to retrieve a specific sales transaction. This operation allows you to gather detailed information about a sales transaction using its unique identifier. It is useful for tracking, auditing, or supporting sales activities. Ensure you have the necessary permissions and the transaction ID to make a successful request.

Setting sales transaction path parameter

The following table lists the required parameters you can provide to get Sales Transactions by ID request.




Unique sales transaction identifier.

Get sales transaction by ID request and response example

To obtain details about a specific sales transaction, you can send a GET /sales-transactions request with the sales transaction's unique identifier. This section provides an example of how to make such a request and the expected JSON response structure. By following this guide, you'll be able to retrieve comprehensive information about a sales transaction, which can assist in various sales-related operations like tracking or auditing.

To retrieve details of a sales transaction, you must supply the unique identifier of the sales transaction with the GET request:


A 200 OK response returns the Sales Transaction object:

  "id": "0206802584_000010_3700005504",
  "createdTime": "2019-04-25T20:36:00Z",
  "updatedTime": "2019-04-26T02:36:00Z",
  "saleTime": "2019-04-25T00:00:00Z",
  "salesSummaryId": "8100000400_1410_2019",
  "currency": "GBP",
  "amount": 443.08,
  "type": "sale",
  "orderId": "37031462099",
  "skuId": "945-0198",
  "skuName": "test sku name",
  "quantity": 1,
  "payoutAmounts": {
    "currency": "USD",
    "exchangeRate": 1.24535,
    "amount": 551.79,
    "tax": -91.97,
    "shipping": -14.36,
    "regulatoryFees": 0,
    "landedCost": 0,
    "productPrice": 445.46,
    "digitalRiverShare": -41.38,
    "distributorShare": -375.61,
    "transactionFees": 0,
    "commission": 0,
    "shippingDiscount": 0,
    "regulatoryFeeDiscount": 0,
    "remitShipping": 0,
    "payoutAmount": 28.47,
    "storeCredit": 0.0
    "payerId": "1410",
    "payerName": "DR globalTech, Inc.",
    "payeeId": "0000000000",
    "payeeName": "ACME, Inc.",
    "liveMode": true,
    "orderUpstreamId": "923456789",
    "skuTaxCode": "601410",
    "shipFromCountry": "US",
    "shipToCountry": "US",
    "billToCountry": "US",
    "shipFromState": "MN",
    "shipToState": "MN",
    "billToState": "MN",
    "paymentType": "creditCard",
    "lineItemId": "2221136454639",
    "orderMetadata": {
        "coupon": "iOS"
    "lineItemMetadata": {
        "coupon": "iOS"

Last updated