Getting a sales transaction by ID

Learn how to get a sales transaction by identifier.

Setting sales transaction path parameter

The following table lists the required parameters you can provide in a get Sales Transactions by ID request.




Unique sales transaction identifier.

Example get request and response

To retrieve details of a sales transaction, you must supply the unique identifier of the sales transaction with the GET request:


A 200 OK response returns the Sales Transaction object:

  "id": "0206802584_000010_3700005504",
  "createdTime": "2019-04-25T20:36:00Z",
  "saleTime": "2019-04-25T00:00:00Z",
  "salesSummaryId": "8100000400_1410_2019",
  "currency": "GBP",
  "amount": 443.08,
  "type": "sale",
  "orderId": "37031462099",
  "skuId": "945-0198",
  "quantity": 1,
  "payoutAmounts": {
    "currency": "USD",
    "exchangeRate": 1.24535,
    "amount": 551.79,
    "tax": -91.97,
    "shipping": -14.36,
    "regulatoryFees": 0,
    "landedCost": 0,
    "productPrice": 445.46,
    "digitalRiverShare": -41.38,
    "distributorShare": -375.61,
    "transactionFees": 0,
    "shippingDiscount": 0,
    "regulatoryFeeDiscount": 0,
    "remitShipping": 0,
    "payoutAmount": 28.47,
    "storeCredit": 0.0
    "payerId": "1410",
    "payerName": "DR globalTech, Inc.",
    "payeeId": "0000000000",
    "payeeName": "ACME, Inc.",
    "liveMode": true,
    "orderUpstreamId": "923456789",
    "skuTaxCode": "601410",
    "shipFromCountry": "US",
    "shipToCountry": "US",
    "billToCountry": "US",
    "paymentType": "creditCard",
    "lineItemId": "2221136454639",
    "orderMetadata": {

    "lineItemMetadata": {  

Last updated