Products and SKUs

Learn more about the standards related to products and SKUs

The checklist items and standards in this section cover how to manage your products in the Digital River APIs.

On this page, the integration checklist that you should use depends on the product data model you employ. For more information, refer to the:

Integration checklists

The integration checklist you should work from in this section depends on your product data model.

Click any checklist item for more details on meeting the integration standard.

SKUs only checklist

SKUs with SKU groups checklist

Product details with SKU groups checklist

Integration standards

The product and SKU standards that apply to your integration are dependent on which of the above ☝️ checklists you're using.

Manually synchronize your catalog

You should have a tool that manually imports and then allows you to periodically update your products in Digital River's system through the SKUs API. Your platform's admin interface most likely already has a product management page. You can simply modify this page to perform SKU imports and updates.

Automatically synchronize your catalog

Product catalogs are often very large. To optimize performance, you should synch your products and SKUs on a timed schedule or using a similar trigger.

These scheduled jobs should make as few calls to the SKUs API as possible. Therefore, we suggest you use a delta to only update the attributes in a SKU that changed in its corresponding product. This prevents you from having to overwrite every SKU value each time you run a synchronization job.

Capture SKU attributes

If you're sending product data in checkouts by referencing SKUs that don't belong to SKU groups, then you should add the following attributes to the product schema in your commerce platform:

Similarly, regardless of whether or not you associate SKU groups with SKUs, if you're sending product data in checkouts by referencing SKUs, you should also add the following attributes to your platform's product schema:

When you set these values in your admin interface, you can then sync your products with their corresponding SKUs in Digital River's system.

Ensure product and SKU identifiers match

Your product's identifier should match the identifier of its corresponding SKU in our system. Its important that these values are the same. This ensures that synchronization is possible and that the SKUs work properly during checkouts.

Associate a SKU group with each SKU

Before deployment, you should associate a SKU group with each of your SKUs in our system.

Associate a SKU group with each product in your system

Prior to deployment, you should associate a SKU group with each product in your system.

API interfaces

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