Managing customer subscriptions from Digital River Dashboard

Learn how to manage customer subscriptions from the Digital River Dashboard.

Digital River offers a PSD2 and SCA compliant subscription management service that automatically schedules and processes recurring payments.

You can view and manage current customer subscriptions in the Dashboard from the Customer details page. You can do the following with the subscription information found on this page:

  • View customer subscription data

  • Change the state of a customer subscription (currently from active to cancelled)

  • Cancel customer subscriptions

Previously, the only way to work with subscriptions was by calling the Digital River API directly or through Postman. You can now view customer subscription information and cancel subscriptions directly through the Dashboard if you have been assigned one of the following roles:

  • Administrators

  • Finance managers

  • Customer service roles

Anyone that is assigned one of these roles can view the following pages:

  • Customers page - lists all customers and provides the customer ID with a link to the Customer details page. Use this page to select a customer.

  • Customer details page - displays the customer subscription information as well as customer email address, type, enablement status, creation date, and more. Use this page to cancel a subscription.

View customer subscription data

You can view customer subscription data and more details from the Customer details page.

To view customer subscription data:

  1. Click All customers in the Dashboard left navigation. The Customers page appears.

  2. Use the Search feature or scroll to find the customer whose subscription details you want to view.

  3. Click the Customer ID. The Customer details page appears.

  4. In the Subscriptions section at the bottom of the Customer details page you can see the following subscription details:

The section displays the complete details for each subscription. For customers with multiple subscriptions, the Subscriptions section has a sub-section for each separate subscription's details - whether Active or Cancelled.

A Cancel subscription link is in each upper-right corner of a subscription's details sub-section. Click this to cancel an active subscription.

Subscriptions also display a SKU ID (Or SKU Group) as well as a Product ID. This additional information is useful if a Subscription is comprised of multiple SKUs.

Change the state of a customer subscription

You currently have the ability to change a subscription's State from Active to Cancelled.

A Cancel subscription link is found in the upper-right corner of each subscription's details section. Click on this link to cancel a subscription. The State field in the subscription's displayed details will change from Active to Cancelled to reflect this action.

Cancel customer subscriptions

By cancelling a customer subscription, you discontinue the active period of that subscription and that subscription will no longer renew. For more details on subscription states and behaviors, refer to Digital River's subscription service.

To cancel a customer subscription from the Dashboard:

  1. Click All customers in the Dashboard left navigation. The Customers page appears.

  2. Use the Search feature or scroll to find the customer whose subscription details you want to view.

  3. Click the Customer ID. The Customer details page appears.

  4. In the Subscriptions section at the bottom of the Customer details page, you see the complete details for each subscription. For customers with multiple subscriptions, the Subscriptions section has a sub-section for each separate subscription's details - whether Active or Cancelled.

  5. Click the Cancel subscription link in the upper-right corner of a subscription's details section to cancel an active subscription. You receive a Cancel modal that lets you Cancel Subscription or Cancel if you change your mind.

After you click Cancel Subscription, you receive a system modal that tells you whether your cancellation was successful (green message window) or unsuccessful (red message window).

When your cancellation is successful, the Cancel subscription link is "grayed out" and can no longer be used. The State field in the subscription's displayed details also changes from Active to Cancelled to verify the success of the cancellation.

Last updated