Shipping choice extension point

Learn how to configure the shipping choice extension point

The Digital River app provides an extension point for setting additional details for the shipping choice element such as serviceLevel and description based on the client’s business requirements. The checkout request sends this information, if provided, to Digital River.

Important: It is required that you configure the shipping choice extension point if you are selling physical products.

The Digital River app provides a configuration called Shipping Choice Info - Provider Name.

If this configuration is empty (default setting), the application will not send serviceLevel and description information in the shipping choice element of the checkout request.

You can implement an Apex interface that Digital River Application delivers as part of the DRB2B_ShippingChoiceProvider package.

You can specify the Apex class that implements this interface as a provider of Shipping Choice information for the checkout flow.

An example of such a class is customShippingChoiceProvider.

The following example provides sample code for this class:

global class customShippingChoiceProvider implements digitalriverv3.DRB2B_ShippingChoiceProvider {
    global digitalriverv3.DRB2B_ShippingChoiceInfo getShippingChoiceInfo(digitalriverv3.DRB2B_CheckoutContext context) {
        Id cartId = context.cartId;
        Id deliveryMethodId = [SELECT DeliveryMethodId FROM CartDeliveryGroup where CartId =:cartId WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED][0].DeliveryMethodId;
        OrderDeliveryMethod orderDeliveryRec = [SELECT Description,Carrier FROM OrderDeliveryMethod where Id =: deliveryMethodId];
        digitalriverv3.DRB2B_ShippingChoiceInfo shippingChoiceInfo = new digitalriverv3.DRB2B_ShippingChoiceInfo();
        shippingChoiceInfo.serviceLevel = orderDeliveryRec.Carrier;
        shippingChoiceInfo.description = orderDeliveryRec.Description;       
        return shippingChoiceInfo; 

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