Add custom components outside of checkout

Learn how to add custom components outside of checkout.

Read this section to learn how to add custom components outside of checkout. The table below lists each custom component and the recommended page to which you should add it. It also provides the recommended designer attribute configuration.

Any time a change is made to any component or page in Experience Builder, you must publish the site so that the changes are reflected on the live site.

Note: The table refers to pages such as “My Wallet,” “My Tax Certificates,” and “My Tax Identifiers.” These are examples of custom pages you could create in Experience Builder. You can add these components to any custom page on the site.

Component Name



Recommended Designer Attributes*


Cart, Checkout, and All Custom pages

It is recommended that you include this component on all pages where Digital River is collecting data from the shopper.

Use this component to show the Digital River compliance links.

Use Default Selling Entity: Checked on all pages except for Checkout


Order Summary Details

This component shows payment details.

Auto Initialize: Checked


Order Summary Details

Use this component to display the Delayed Payment instructions for delayed payment methods such as Wire Transfer and Konbini


Order Summary Details

Use this component to show invoices and credit memos to the user. It should appear on the Order Summary Details page two times: one refers to the invoice and the other refers to the credit memo.

Type: Credit Memos or Invoices

You should configure two instances of the component, one with each type


Order Summary Details

Use this component to collect refund banking details for shoppers using offline payment methods such as wire transfer or konbini.



My Wallet

Use this component to show and add new payment sources in the wallet.

Dropin Config: leave blank


My Tax Identifier

Use this component to add a tax identifier to the shoppers account outside the checkout flow.



My Tax Certificate

Use this component to upload tax certificates.


*See Designer Attributes for LWR for more information.

Last updated