Designer attributes

Understand the purpose of the provided designer attributes.

The information that follows provides details on you can use designer attributes. To look at the attributes for a specific component, click on the component name in this list.


This component has the following attributes:

  • Hide Checkout Summary - Use this attribute to show or hide the drb2b_checkoutSummary component (when used in the Checkout template). Use {!$GlobalConstant.False} to show the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.True}to hide it.


This component has the following attributes:

  • Record Id (subflow) - Use this attribute to provide the cartId.

  • Record Id (Checkout page) - Use this attribute to automatically bind the page's record ID to the component variable.

  • Show Shipping Address - Use this to hide or show the Shipping Address on the component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the Shipping Address on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.


This component has the following attributes:

  • cart Id (subflow) - Use this attribute to provide the cartId.

  • Record Id (Checkout page) - Use this attribute to automatically bind the page's record ID to the component variable.

  • Effective Account Id (Checkout page) - Use this attribute to automatically bind the current user account ID.


This component has the following attributes:

  • Record Id (Checkout page) - Use this attribute to automatically bind the page's record ID to the component variable.

  • Cart Id - Use this attribute to provide the cartId.

  • Show All - Use this attribute to show or hide all fields on the drb2b_checkoutSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the fields on the component or{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide them.

  • Show Amount Contributed - Use this attribute to show ozr hide the Amount Contributed on the drb2b_checkoutSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.

  • Show Duty - Use this attribute to show or hide the Duty on the drb2b_checkoutSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.

  • Show Grand Total - Use this attribute to show or hide the Grand Total on the drb2b_checkoutSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.

  • Show IOR Tax - Use this attribute to show or hide the IOR Tax in the drb2b_checkoutSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.

  • Show Regulatory Fee - Use this attribute to show or hide the IOR Tax in the drb2b_checkoutSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.

  • Show Remaining Amount - Use this attribute to show or hide the Remaining Amount on the drb2b_checkoutSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.

  • Show Shipping - Use this attribute to show or hide the Shipping amount on the drb2b_checkoutSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.

  • Show Sub Total - Use this attribute to show or hide theorder Sub Total in the drb2b_checkoutSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.

  • Show Tax - Use this attribute to show or hide the Tax in the drb2b_checkoutSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.

  • Show Promotion - Use this attribute to show or hide a Promotion in the drb2b_checkoutSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.


This component has the following attributes:

  • Cart Id - Use this attribute to provide the cartId.

  • Selected Tax Identifier - Use this attribute to preserve selected and newly added tax identifiers. If validation fails for any reason and the screen is reloaded, this attribute maintains any selected or newly added tax identifiers.

  • Auto Initialize - Use this attribute to determine whether the component initializes on page load. Set this attribute to {!$GlobalConstant.True} to have the component initialize on page load (default) or set to {!$GlobalConstant.False} if the component should not initialize on page load.


This component has the following attributes:

  • Cart Id - Use this attribute to provide the cartId.

  • Bypass Validation - Use this attribute to bypass validation. Set this attribute to {!$GlobalConstant.True} if the component is not to be included on the Place order page or to apply a custom validation. Set this attribute to {!$GlobalConstant.False} if the component is included on the Place order page or to use the built in validation (default).

    Note: If you call your custom client custom validation from the Place Order page, it is recommended that you hide the Place Order button(s) included in the Order Summary component and instead display a custom button. After performing the custom validation, you should fire an event to call the place order logic.

  • Hide terms UI - Use this attribute is to hide or show the UI of the component. The default value is False. If you set this to True, the component does not display the terms to the shopper. Additionally, an event is published with the Terms string. You can subscribe to this event to make use of the terms the shopper agrees to or you can create a custom validation.

  • Auto Initialize - Use this attribute to determine whether the component initializes on page load. Set this attribute to {!$GlobalConstant.True} to have the component initialize on page load (default) or set to {!$GlobalConstant.False} if the component should not initialize on page load.


This component has the following attributes:

  • Cart Id - Use this attribute to provide the cartId.

  • Auto Initialize - Use this attribute to determine whether the component initializes on page load. Set this attribute to {!$GlobalConstant.True} to have the component initialize on page load (default) or set to {!$GlobalConstant.False} if the component should not initialize on page load.

  • Record Id (Order Summary Detail and Order Confirmation pages) - Use this attribute to automatically bind the page's record ID to the component variable.


This component has the following attributes:

  • Record Id (checkout page) - Use this attribute to automatically bind the page's record ID to the component variable.

  • Record Id (subflow) - Use this attribute to provide the cartId.

  • Auto Initialize - Use this attribute to determine whether the component initializes on page load. Set this attribute to {!$GlobalConstant.True} to have the component initialize on page load (default) or set to {!$GlobalConstant.False} if the component should not initialize on page load.

  • Bypass Validation - Use this attribute to bypass validation. Set this attribute to {!$GlobalConstant.True} if the drb2b_drTermsElement component is not to be included on the Place order page or to apply a custom validation. Set this attribute to {!$GlobalConstant.False} if the drb2b_drTermsElement component is included on the Place order page or to use the built in validation (default).

    If the drb2b_drTermsElement component is not on the same page as the drb2b_orderSummarycomponent, this attribute should be set to {!$GlobalConstant.True}

  • Show All - Use this attribute to show or hide all fields on the drb2_orderSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the fields on the component or{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide them.

  • Show Duty - Use this attribute to show or hide the Duty on the drb2_orderSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.

  • Show IOR Tax - Use this attribute to show or hide the IOR Tax in the drb2_orderSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.

  • Show Grand Total - Use this attribute to show or hide the Grand Total on the drb2_orderSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.

  • Show Place Order - Use this attribute to show or hide Place Order on the drb2_orderSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.

  • Show Regulatory Fee - Use this attribute to show or hide the IOR Tax in the drb2_orderSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.

  • Show Shipping - Use this attribute to show or hide the Shipping amount on the drb2_orderSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.

  • Show Sub Total - Use this attribute to show or hide theorder Sub Total in the drb2_orderSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.

  • Show Tax - Use this attribute to show or hide the Tax in the drb2_orderSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.

  • Place Order - Use this to control the executing order placement logic of mutiple components.

    If there is more than one drb2b_orderSummary component on the page, set the Place Order attribute to True for one component and set the rest of the order summary components to False. If there is only one drb2b_orderSummary component on the page, make sure to keep the Place Order attribute set to True (the default value).

  • Show Promotion - Use this attribute to show or hide a Promotion in the drb2_orderSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.


This component has the following attributes:

  • Show Shipping - Use this attribute to show or hide the Shipping amount on the drb2_orderSummary component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the value on the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.

  • Cart Id - Use this attribute to provide the cartId.

  • Enable Tax Certificates - Use this attribute to enable or disable the drb2b_taxCertificateCheckout component. Use {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the component or use{!$GlobalConstant.False}to hide it.


This component has the following attributes:

  • Enable Override Payments - Set this value to False to have the drb2b_paymentscomponent load automatically upon page load. This is the default value. If this value is set to True, the component will not load automatically on page load. This means you must fire an event to specify which payment methods should be loaded.

  • Is Synchronous Checkout - Use this attribute to indicate whether the component is being used in the synchronous checkout. Set this attribute to {!$GlobalConstant.True} if the component is being used in the synchronous checkout flow or set it to {!$GlobalConstant.False} (default value) if the component is not being used in the synchronous checkout flow (meaning it is being used in the asynchronous checkout flow).

  • Drop-in Config - Use this attribute to provide options for Drop-in flexibility an compatibility. You provide data for this attribute in JSON format. For example: {"options.button.type": custom,"options.button.buttonText":'test',"test":"test3"} See Drop-in config for a full list of options.

  • Record ID - Use this attribute to provide the cartId.

  • Disable Saved Payments - Use this attribute to show or hide the Saved Payments tab. Set this attribute to False to display Saved Payment options (default). Set this to True if you want the Saved Payments tab is hidden and the shopper is not be able to save payment methods for future use. Note: Do not enable this attribute if Subscription products are used.

  • Fire Zero Dollar Event - Use this attribute to control how zero-dollar orders are handled. When set to False (the default value) and the order total is zero dollars with no subscription products in the cart, you can have the connector redirect the user to the next page without requiring a payment source. If set to True, and the above criteria is matched, the component publishes a custom event which can be subscribed to by a custom component as desired. Additionally, the drb2b_dropIn component will be hidden when the event is published. The user will not be redirected to the next page in the flow when this event is fired. By subscribing to this event, you can perform custom logic.


This component has the following attributes:

  • Record ID (All Checkout pages) - Use this attribute to bind the page's record ID to the component variable.

  • Object Name (All Checkout pages) - Use this attribute to bind the page's object name to the component variable.


This component has the following attributes:

  • Record ID (Order confirmation page) - Use this attribute to bind the page's record ID to the component variable.


This component has the following attributes:

  • Record ID (Order confirmation page) - Use this attribute to bind the page's record ID to the component variable.


This component has the following attributes:

  • Record ID (Order summary detail page) - Use this attribute to bind the page's record ID to the component variable.

  • Type (Order Summary Detail page) - Use this attribute to render an invoice or credit memo based on the following Type values:

    • Invoices

    • Credit memos


This component has the following attributes:

  • Drop-in Config (My Account page) - Use this attribute to provide options for Drop-in flexibility and compatibility. You provide data for this attribute in JSON format. For example: {"options.button.type": custom,"options.button.buttonText":'test',"test":"test3"}


This component has the following attributes:

  • Use this attribute to indicate whether to display the place order button. Set this attribute to {!$GlobalConstant.True} to show the place order button (default) or set this attribute to {!$GlobalConstant.False}hide it.

  • Is Synchronous Checkout - Use this attribute to indicate whether the component is being used in the synchronous checkout. Set this attribute to {!$GlobalConstant.True} if the component is being used in the synchronous checkout flow or set to {!$GlobalConstant.False} (default value) if the component is not being used in the synchronous checkout flow (meaning it is being used in the asynchronous checkout flow).


This component has the following attributes:

  • Summary ID (Order summary detail page) - Use this attribute to bind the page's record ID to the component variable.

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