Buyer info component

Learn how to use the Buyer Info component.

Use this drb2b_buyerInfo component with the drb2b_taxCertificateCheckout component. The drb2b_buyerInfo publishes an event and the drb2b_taxCertificateCheckout listens for the event triggered by the drb2b_buyerInfo component. The drb2b_taxCertificateCheckout is dependent on the drb2b_buyerInfo component.

If you use a custom component instead of the drb2b_buyerinfo component, you must:

  • Populate the following fields in the WebCart object:

    • digitalriverv3__Buyer_Name__c

    • digitalriverv3__Buyer_Email__c

    • digitalriverv3__Buyer_Phone__c

    • digitalriverv3__BillingAddress

    • digitalriverv3__DR_Customer_Type__c

    • digitalriverv3__Buyer_OrganizationName__c Note: If you choose to use a custom component, make sure you validate that the digitalriverv3__Buyer_Name__c field contains a space. Digital River expects both a First Name and Last Name and does a split on this field by looking for a space, ' ' ,value. Note: If you use the Buyer Info component, you are not required to make changes as the field is automatically displayed. If you are not using the Buyer Info component, use a field in your user interface to collect the Organization Name information if the shopper's purchase type is Business. This UI field is used to update the digitalriverv3__Buyer_OrganizationName__c field on the WebCart object.

  • Provide the selected ship-to contact point address ID to the OOTB flow, which populates the ship-to address on the Cart Delivery Group object.

Publish events

This section provides information on publishing events when using this component.

Use the following steps to publish various event types. The event purpose and payload will vary depending on your use case.

Import theDigitalRiverMessageChannel__c message channel and message service into a custom JavaScript file, as shown below.

Import example
import dr_lms from "@salesforce/messageChannel/digitalriverv3__DigitalRiverMessageChannel__c";

import {publish, MessageContext } from "lightning/messageService";

Declare the message context variable as shown below.

Declare variable example
@wire(MessageContext) messageContext;

Publish the event.

Publish example
  publish(this.messageContext, dr_lms, { 
                    purpose: '<purpose>',           
                    payload: '<payload>'            

The following table provides more information on the component events.

Event PurposeEvent Payload ExampleDescription



Publish this event to show {"isShow":true} or hide {"isShow":false} the Buyer Info component.



Publish this event to perform validation of the information entered into the buyer info component and save the data to the cart.

If publishing this event, you must also subscribe to the contactPointAddressId event to get back the saved Contact Point Address Id.

Use this event if the OOTB Next button is disabled.

Subscribe to an event to get Contact Point Address Id

You can use this event to have the saved Contact Point Address Id returned after the buyer information is saved using the saveBuyerInfo purpose. You use this value to update the Cart Delivery Group as appropriate. Complete the following tasks to subscribe to the event.

Import the DigitalRiverMessageChannel__c message channel and message service into a custom JavaScript file, as shown below.

Import example
import dr_lms from "@salesforce/messageChannel/digitalriverv3__DigitalRiverMessageChannel__c";

import {publish, MessageContext } from "lightning/messageService";

Declare the message context variable as shown below.

Declare variable example
@wire(MessageContext) messageContext;

Declare methods as shown below to get the Contact Point Address Id.

Declare methods example
subscribeToMessageChannel() {
        if (!this.subscription) {
            this.subscription = subscribe(this.messageContext, dr_lms,               (message) => this.handleMessage(message));

   handleMessage(message) {
        switch (message.purpose) {
            case " contactPointAddressId":
               // Call custom logic here 
               // message.payload will give Contact point address Id

The following is an example of the message format:

Message example:

Call a declared method in the connectedCallback method as shown below:

Call declared method
connectedCallback() {

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