Salesforce Lightning B2B Commerce App 1.6
Use the Salesforce Lightning B2B Commerce app to integrate your front-end purchasing experience with the Digital River API.
System requirements
Digital River Connector version number: 3.35
Package installation URL:
Package ID: 04t5w000005dlwaAAA
API Fleet and version: Digital River API–v2021-12-13.
Commerce Platform Version: This app was developed against B2B Commerce for Lightning Spring 2023.
Salesforce Lightning requirements
You must meet the following requirements before you can integrate the Salesforce Lightning app:
Salesforce administrators and users with Download AppExchange packages permission can install the Salesforce Lightning app.
Only install the app on the Enterprise and Unlimited versions of Salesforce.
Before installing the Digital River app, ensure that B2B Commerce is fully configured and functional and that you can place an order using the Salesforce-provided checkout flow. The Digital River app supports both synchronous and asynchronous checkout flows.
Obtain your public and secret key from your Digital River Business Development Manager. You will need this when you configure the Salesforce Lightning app.
Last updated