Enable extension settings

Learn how to enable and configure the Digital River payment methods.

This extension adds the Digital River payment method under the WooCommerce Payment tab. Go to WooCommerce, select Settings, and then click Payments.

You will notice Digital River is already enabled. We keep the Digital River payment option enabled by default.

Click Manage. This lets you Enable Digital River plugin and configure the options below.

Caution: If the Enable Digital River plugin is not selected, anything apart from the Settings page will not work. Make sure to keep it selected.

  1. Title: Provide the Title that will appear on the checkout page.

  2. Description: Provide the Description that will appear on the checkout page.

  3. Test mode: To enable the test mode, select the Enable test mode. If Test mode is enabled, then Test API credentials are used.

  4. Debug mode: To enable the debug mode, select the Enable test mode. If Debug mode is enabled, results will appear in the log. To view the log, go to WooCommerce, select Status, and then click the Logs tab.

  5. Enhanced Currency Service: Enables the Digital River local pricing feature. Refer to Local pricing for more information. Keep this enabled for enhanced currency support.

  6. Enhanced Currency Config: Enter values in this field to limit the Countries and Currencies available through the Local pricing feature using 3-letter currency and 2-digit country codes. Each entry is entered as a JSON object formatted with each Country being assigned to an array of Currencies. For example: {"US":["USD","GBP","EUR","AUD"],"IT":["USD","GBP","EUR","AUD"],"GB":["USD","GBP","EUR","AUD"],"DE":["USD","GBP","EUR","AUD"],"AU":["USD","GBP","EUR","AUD"]} Note: This field only allows supported currencies.

  7. Automatic fulfillment: This extension feature enables the automatic fulfillment of orders. Once the order is in the accepted state, it will be fulfilled by WooCommerce automatically. This ensures that the store admin does not have to fulfill every order manually. This is particularly useful when stores get large orders in a short time, making it difficult for the store admin to go through each order manually and fulfill it.

  8. Disable Automatic Redirects: Use this feature to toggle the ability to submit and then redirect flow on the extension implementation.

  9. Test public key & Test confidential key: Configure the test credentials. These credentials will be used only when Test mode is enabled.

  10. Live public key & Live confidential key: Configure the live credentials. These credentials will be used when Test Mode is not enabled.

  11. Webhook secret key: Configure webhook secret key. Use this key to manage the order status information. Note: There is currently only a single webhook secret input. As a result, when you first configure test and production server keys, you enter a test secret for webhook. When you switch to production, you need to enter the production webhook secret manually. Otherwise, the single input will mean your test webhook secret is used, resulting in a failure to authenticate on production.

  12. Multi Ship From: Used to manage multiple-origin shipping locations. Multi-origin shipping is essential for customers who dropship directly from vendors or who have multiple distribution centers or warehouses from which they ship. This field lets you set up multiple shipping origins that can then be associated with your products. Enter the shipping location combination in the provided field. The shipping location combination contains the shipping address and a pair of two-letter Alpha-2 country codes representing the ship-to country and ship-from country. The ship-to and ship-from countries are delimited by a right chevron (>) such as FR>FR. Where France (FR) is the ship-to country and France (FR) is the ship-from country. When entering the shipping location, use the following format: line1|line2|city|state|postal code|country code. You can use a comma (,) to delimit multiple shipping location combinations and a double pipe (||) if there is no value to be provided. For example: US>134-135 Main Street||Minnesota|MN|55343|US,CA>CA,FR>FR,DEFAULT>CN>. You must provide the full ship-from address for tax purposes when shipping from Canada or the United States. If a ship-to country code is NOT found in the list provided and if the DEFAULT key is available, then the value from the DEFAULT key is applied. In the example just provided above, it would be CN. If there is NO DEFAULT key in the string, then Digital River applies a tax estimate origin address country_code/locale country_code.

  13. Test API Configuration: To determine if the API configuration is working correctly, click Test Config.

Last updated