User guide
Learn more about the WooCommerce plugin.
Digital River's plugin for WooCommerce provides a complete checkout solution for payments, tax, fraud, and compliance. Use this plugin to seamlessly enable local payment methods, calculate local taxes, and display the appropriate currency and terms of sale within your WooCommerce shopper experience.
Intended audience
Everyone (Admin, Shop Manager, and so on) can use the WooCommerce plugin. They can use this guide to install and configure the plugin.
This user guide has several conventions to provide you with special information. These include the following elements:
Convention elements
Offer suggestions for making things easier or provide alternative ways to perform a particular task.
Provide additional, more detailed information about a specific WordPress feature.
Warn you about potential problems that might occur and offer advice on how to avoid these problems.
Manage plugins
You can manage plugins from the Plugins tab in the left navigation. See Plugins Screen for more information on managing plugins.
Last updated