Settings module

Learn more about the Settings module.

The Settings module registers the plugin settings. To access the settings, select WooCommerce, select Settings, select Payments, then select Digital River.


The following fields are registered by the module:

Field Name



Enables or disables the Digital River's payment gateway


Title for the Digital River payment gateway. This would be visible on the Checkout page.


Description of the payment gateway. This would be visible on the Checkout page.

Test Mode

If active, use test credentials from Digital River.

Debug Mode

Logs API calls and exceptions. Logged information is available.

Enhanced Currency Service

Enables the Digital River local pricing feature. Refer to Local pricing for more information. Keep this enabled for enhanced currency support.

Enhanced Currency Config

Enter values in this field to limit the Countries and Currencies available through the Local pricing feature. Each entry is entered as a JSON object formatted with each Country being assigned to an array of Currencies. For example: {"US":["USD","GBP","EUR","AUD"],"IT":["USD","GBP","EUR","AUD"],"GB":["USD","GBP","EUR","AUD"],"DE":["USD","GBP","EUR","AUD"],"AU":["USD","GBP","EUR","AUD"]}

Automatic fulfillment

This determines whether to fulfill the orders automatically. This calls for the Digital River fulfillment API to initiate fulfillment. Currently, only third-party fulfillment is considered.

Disable Automatic Redirects

Use this feature to toggle the ability to submit then redirect flow on the extension implementation.

Test public key

Test account's API public key

Test confidential key

Test account's API secret key

Live public key

Production account's API public key

Live confidential key

Production account's API secret key

Webhook secret key

Settings Interface

The Settings module implements the following interface:

namespace DigitalRiver\WooCommerce\Interfaces\Modules;

 * Interface Settings.
 * @package DigitalRiver\WooCommerce\Modules
interface Settings {

     * Registers a new settings field.
     * @param SettingsFieldModel $field Setting field object.
     * @return void
    public function register( SettingsFieldModel $field ): void;

     * Get settings value by key.
     * @param string $key Settings key.
     * @return Mixed
    public function get( string $key );

Method Description


Args, Returns, and Descriptions



Return: void

Description: Registers the new settings to be added in the Settings panel


Arg: string $key (Field Key)

Return: mixed

Description: Returns the value for any registered setting

Settings class

This class takes care of accessing the setting fields and their values.


Args, Returns, and Descriptions


Arg: -

Return: string

Description: Returns the name of the module


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Initializes the module


Arg: SettingsFieldModel

Return: void

Description: Receives a SettingsFieldModel object and stores it in the $fields private array


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Loops through all the settings fields data, construct SettingsFieldModel object and call register() method on them


Arg: array

Return: array

Description: Adds the Digital River gateway to the list of supported payment gateways


Arg: -

Return: array

Description: Returns an array of settings fields and their details


Arg: String

Return: array

Description: Gets a setting's value using the Settings key

Settings Container class

This class defines all the services required for Settings module.


Args, Returns, and Descriptions


Arg: -

Return: bool

Description: Returns true if the plugin is enabled, else false


Arg: -

Return: bool

Description: Returns true if logging is enabled, else false


Arg: -

Return: String

Description: Returns the webhook secret key string


Arg: -

Return: array

Description: Returns an array containing the two keys, public and secret

Settings Field Model class

This class represents actual fields on the Settings page.


Args, Returns, and Descriptions


Arg: array $data

Return: void

Description: Initializes the field and throws InvalidArgumentException if both id and type attributes are not present


Arg: -

Return: String

Description: Returns the field id


Arg: -

Return: String

Description: Returns the field type


Arg: -

Return: String

Description: Returns the field title


Arg: -

Return: String

Description: Returns the field description


Arg: -

Return: String

Description: Returns the field desc_tip_


Arg: -

Return: String

Description: Returns the field default


Arg: -

Return: String

Description: Returns the field label

Gateway class

This class registers the Digital River payment gateway.


Args, Returns, and Descriptions


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Configures the payment gateway and calls init_form_fields()


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Calls Settings::get_settings() and sets the value to form_fields attribute


Arg: String $pagehook

Return: void

Description: Loads the relevant scripts and stylesheets


Arg: $key, array $value

Return: String

Description: Generates test connector button HTML. This function will be called by WooCommerce internally


Arg: array $data

Return: String

Description: Generates the tooltip HTML based on the data passed as the argument

Last updated