Product Sync module

Learn more about the Product Sync module.

This module syncs the product information to Digital River when any product is created, updated, or deleted. Products can be manually synced from the Admin dashboard via Tools -> Available Tools


This module will leverage SKU API provided by Digital River.

Whenever a product in WooCommerce is created, updated, or deleted, this module will call the Digital River SKU API and update the SKU information.

SKU API will also need the ECCN, HS Code, Country of origin, and Tax code. These fields will be added and provided by ProductMetaFields module.

The ProductSync module does not manage the addition and validation of required meta fields. That process is managed in the ProductMetaFields module.

Modify the SKU Request object

To modify the SKURequest object before sync:

  1. Grab the SKURequest object from the filter: add_filter( 'digitalriver.pre_sync_sku_request', 'filter_method' )

  2. The SKURequest object will be passed as the first argument to filter_method().

  3. Make any changes to the object and then return the object.

Replace the Sync Handler with a custom class

To replace the SyncHandler with a custom class:

  1. Grab the SyncHandler object from the filter: add_filter( 'digitalriver.sync_handler', 'filter_method' )

  2. The SKURequest object will be passed as the first argument to filter_method().

  3. Swap out the object if necessary and then return the object.

Product Sync Methods

Product Sync class

This class describes the module's entry point.


Args, Returns, and Descriptions


Arg: -

Return: string

Description: Returns the name of the module


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Initializes the module and register necessary hooks


Arg: String $page_hook

Return: void

Description: Enqueues the scripts and stylesheets in the tools.php


Arg: int $post_id

Return: bool

Description: Syncs the product to Digital River and return the status of the sync


Arg: int $post_id

Return: void

Description: Deletes the product from Digital River using ProductSyncHandler


Arg: int $post_id

Return: SKU

Description: Fetches the product from digitalriver using ProductSyncHandler


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Gets the sync status of the product. Product ID should always be the parent product ID.


Arg: WC_Product $product

Return: void

Description: Syncs all variations for variable product


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Displays the manual product sync toolbox


Arg: -

Return: ProductSyncHandler

Description: Returns an instance of the ProductSyncHandler from the SyncContainer

Sync Container class

This class defines all the services required for this module.


Args, Returns, and Descriptions


Arg: PimpleContainer

Return: void

Description: Accepts a Dependency Injection container as an argument and assigns it to a container attribute


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Defines all the classes present within the module

Sync Meta Box class

This class adds the metabox to the Product Edit screen and contains a button to trigger the product sync action.


Args, Returns, and Descriptions


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Initializes the object and registers the necessary hooks for displaying the metabox


Arg: String $page_hook

Return: void

Description: Enqueues the scripts and stylesheets in the tools.php


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Adds the metabox to the product edit page and triggers the render callback


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Displays the metabox contents with the render callback

Sync Handler class

This class handles the actual sync process between WooCommerce and Digital River.


Args, Returns, and Descriptions


Arg: ApiInstance $api_instance, SkuRequest $sku_request, MetaFields $meta_handler

Return: void

Description: Constructs the object by passing its dependencies


Arg: -

Return: bool

Description: Uses the ApiInstance to insert or update the $product to Digital River. Returns the status of the sync operation.


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Uses the ApiInstance to delete the $product from Digital River


Arg: -

Return: SKU

Description: Uses the ApiInstance to get the SKU from Digital River


Arg: WC_Product$product

Return: ProductSyncHandler

Description: Sets the product to sync and returns the SyncHandler object and is useful for chaining methods


Arg: -

Return: SKURequest/null

Description: Prepares the SKURequest model and sets necessary fields (ECCN, Tax code, Country of origin, HS Code) from the $product meta fields and returns the request. Returns null if data is invalid

Endpoint/Sync class

This class exposes the /digitalriver/v1/sync endpoint and syncs products to Digital River when a request is sent to that endpoint.


Args, Returns, and Descriptions


Arg: ProductSync $sync_objCursor $cursor

Return: void

Description: Constructs the object by passing its dependencies


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Makes a call to the register() method on rest_api_init


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Registers the /digitalriver/v1/sync endpoint and defines the callback


Arg: WP_REST_Request

Return: WP_REST_Response

Description: Initiates the product sync with the REST route callback

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