Order Management module

Learn more about the Order Management module.

The OrderManagementmodule keeps the Digital River orders and WooCommerce orders in sync by managing the state of the orders.


This module is responsible for handling different order lifecycle states. It will also enable users to download and view order invoices for their purchases.

Order Management methods

Order Manager class

This class is the module's entry point.


Args, Returns, and Descriptions


Arg: ApiInstance $api_instanceOrderContainer $container

Return: string

Description: Constructs the object by passing its dependencies


Arg: -

Return: string

Description: Returns the name of the module


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Initializes the module, register necessary hooks, and initialize StateManager


Arg: int $order_id

Return: void

Description: Syncs the WC_Order with id $order_id to digitalriver, and stores the digitalriver order details in the WC_Order metadata


Arg: String $order_id

Return: Order/null

Description: Gets a digitalriver Order whose ID is $order_id, return null if no match found


Arg: WC_Order $order/int $order_id

Return: bool

Description: Checks if a WooCommerce order has a digitalriver order associated with it


Arg: int $order_id

Return: string

Description: Returns the ID of the checkout corresponding to the order which has its ID $order_id

Order Container class

This class acts as a Dependency Injection container for providing dependencies to classes present in the OrderManagement module.


Args, Returns, and Descriptions


Arg: PimpleContainer

Return: void

Description: Accepts a Dependency Injection container as an argument and assigns it to a container attribute


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Defines all the classes present within the module


Arg: String $service_name

Return: object

Description: Retrieves a service from the container

State Manager class

This class updates the WC_Order status to reflect the corresponding Digital River order status.


Args, Returns, and Descriptions


Arg: OrderManager $order_manager

Return: void

Description: Stores the OrderManager object as a property


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Initializes the object and register necessary hooks


Arg: array $order_statuses

Return: array

Description: Add statuses to the WC_Order


Arg: array $statuses

Return: array

Description: Add statuses to the WC_Order


Arg: String $event, array $event_data

Return: void

Description: Usesstatuses() as a method to register custom WooCommerce order statuses


Arg: int $order_id, string $status_from, string $status_to, \WC_Order $order

Return: void

Description: Handles status change for an order and is useful for a cancellation and refund

Fulfiller class

This class handles automatic order fulfillment.


Args, Returns, and Descriptions


Arg: OrderManager $order_manager

Return: void

Description: Constructs the object by passing its dependencies


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Registers necessary hooks if Automatic fulfillment is enabled


Arg: WC_Product

Return: void

Description: Updates the $order attribute


Arg: int $order_id, string $status_from, String $status_to, WC_Order $order

Return: void

Description: Fulfills the order by calling the Digital River fulfillment API


Arg: array $items

Return: array

Description: Prepares items before passing them to the Digital River fulfillment API

Invoice Manager class

This class manages order invoices.


Args, Returns, and Descriptions


Arg: OrderManager $order_manager

Return: void

Description: Constructs the object by passing its dependencies


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Initializes the object and registers necessary hooks


Arg: Order $order

Return: void

Description: Associates invoice file ID to WooCommerce Order


Arg: string $event_name, array $event_data

Return: void

Description: Handles an invoice created from digitalriver


Arg: array $actions, WC_Order $order

Return: array

Description: Adds a Download Invoice call to action under My Account > Orders


Arg: -

Return: void

Description: Gets the invoice file link and redirects to it

State Transition Handler Classes

These three Handler classes are responsible for the order state transition.




This Handler is responsible for fulfilling orders. It calls Digital River API for fulfillment so that the order can be fulfilled and eventually be completed.


This Handler is responsible for order cancellation. An order can only be cancelled if it is in Ready for fulfilment state in WooCommerce.

Note: The order can only be cancelled as a whole, no partial cancellation is available.


This Handler is responsible for order reversal. The refund can be generated only by the store admin by selecting Request refund status in WooCommerce.

Note: Only completed orders can be refunded. The refund will be performed on order-level, line-item or partial refunds are not available.

State transition classes must implement the StateTransition interface. Optionally, they can also extend theBaseTransition class.

State Transition Interface

interface StateTransition {

     * Transition the status.
     * Also, perform any intermediate operations during transition.
     * @param \WC_Order $order WC order object.
     * @return void
    public function transit( \WC_Order $order ): void;

     * Checks whether the current transition is valid or not.
     * @param string    $status_to Status to which transition is happening.
     * @param string    $status_from Status from which transition is happening.
     * @param \WC_Order $order Order object.
     * @return bool
     * @throws Exception For non-accepted transitions.
    public function valid( string $status_to, string $status_from, \WC_Order $order ): bool;


Args, Returns, and Descriptions


Arg: string $status_to, string $status_from, \WC_Order $order

Return: bool

Description: Checks if the current transition is valid or not


Arg: WC_Order $order

Return: void

Description: Performs any in-transition activity such as calling Digital River API

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