Display prices in the cart and checkout

Learn how to display prices in the cart and checkout.

This option determines how prices are actually displayed in the shopper cart and checkout pages. It works independently of actual catalog prices. Choose to display the price either inclusive of or exclusive of tax.

See Setting up Taxes in WooCommerce for more details.

Tip: You may choose exclusive tax, which will give the customer a clear idea of taxes and the product price as it will show the taxes as separate line items on the cart and checkout pages.

Settings here in the Tax module will affect the product price on different pages. See the tax use cases in the following table:

Note: Keep in mind that there are two less commonly used settings in WooCommerce that can also impact the display of tax amounts on various store pages. These are:

  • Tax status per shipping method. Each shipping method can be set to Taxable or None.

  • Shipping standard rate tax per Country/State. Each rate can be set to include Shipping tax.

Refer to Setting up Taxes in WooCommerce for more information.

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