Install the extension
Learn how to install the Digital River WooCommerce extension.
To begin the installation process of the Digital River WooCommerce extension, first search for "Global Seller Services by Digital River" on the WordPress marketplace and download the plugin.
Complete the following tasks to install, enable, and configure the Digital River WooCommerce extension:
The next sections provide the details needed to complete each of these tasks.
Obtain a Digital River test account
When beginning the installation process, first use the procedure in the Quick Start Guide to set up a test account.
Once your account is set up, you can sign in to the Digital River Dashboard as an Administrator to access your test account, set the API version, and get your API keys to continue the installation (see below).
After signing into your account, do the following to set up your test account:
Set the API version to 2021-03-23.
Obtain both the Public and Confidential Keys.
Install the plugin
To continue the installation process, use your browser to search for "Global Seller Services by Digital River" plugin on the WordPress marketplace. Download the plugin when you have found it.
Enable the plugin
Use the following steps to enable the plugin:
Log in to the WooCommerce Admin and go to WooCommerce >Settings >Payment to the Payment tab.
Find Digital River among the offered payment methods and enable it.
Ensure all other payment methods are disabled.
For more information, refer to Enable extension settings.
Configure the plugin
Use the following steps to configure the plugin:
Log in to the WooCommerce admin and go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payment to the Payment tab.
Find Digital River among the offered payment methods and enable it.
Click Manage next to Global Seller Services for WooCommerce.
Note: There are a few mandatory WooCommerce (WC) settings that you must configure to make the Digital River extension work successfully. See Configuring WooCommerce Settings and Enable extension settings for more information.
Create the Digital River webhook and secret key
Use the following steps to create the Digital River webhook and secret key:
Go to the Digital River Dashboard.
Go to Developers and select Webhooks.
Click Create webhook.
Enable the endpoint with the slider at the top of the popup.
Enter the Endpoint URL in the following format:
Select all events and click Create webhook.
Obtain the Webhook secret key. To find it, click Reveal secret for the new webhook.
Set the Digital River API and webhook keys
Use the following steps to set the Digital River API and Webhook keys:
Log in to the WooCommerce admin and go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payment to the Payment tab.
On the Settings page, enter the test public key, test confidential key, and webhook secret key.
Select the Enable test mode checkbox.
Check for additional configuration options
Refer to Enable extension settings to determine if you need to configure additional options for your specific use case. Configure these as needed.
Your WooCommerce store is now enabled for Digital River Global Seller Services.
Last updated