Fulfill an order
Learn about the order fulfillment operation.
After a shopper creates an order and begins checkout (as described in the previous topic), the order management process flow shifts to the Admin and Store Manager side. The first post-order operation that needs to be completed is order fulfillment.
The Store Manager or Admin view orders by going to WooCommerce and clicking Orders. By default, the order status will be Pending payment when the order is first placed. Once the order passes the fraud management system, the status will change to Ready for fulfillment.
Understand the order fulfillment process
The following steps describe in detail the flow of the order fulfillment process that occurs between Digital River and WooCommerce:
When the shopper places an order, the status changes to Pending payment by default until it passed the Digital River fraud system.
When the order status changes to Accepted in Digital River, the WooCommerce order status changes to Ready for fulfillment.
Optional: If the automatic order fulfillment module is active, the order is fulfilled and and the status is changed to Completed.
When Digital River changes the status of the order to Complete, the status will change to Completed in WooCommerce.
If a problem occurs during order payment processing, WooCommerce sets the order status to one of the following: Failed, Blocked, In review, or Completed - Capture Failed.
As a best practice, use the Digital River Synchronize order button to bring all order information up to date. Clicking this button initiates an attempt to update the local WooCommerce order with the latest data from Digital River.
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