Product Meta Fields module support

Learn more about the Product Meta Fields module.

Digital River requires products to have certain fields that are not present in the WooCommerce product. Add these fields to the WC_Product by using the concept of meta fields by using the ProductMetaFields module.

Add a new field to the metabox

To add a new field to the metabox:

  1. Grab the Field array from the filter: add_filter( 'digitalriver.meta_fields', 'filter_method' )

  2. Pass the array as the first argument to filter_method().

  3. Add or remove fields from the array and then return it.

Product Meta Fields Methods

Product Meta Fields class

This class acts as the module's entry point.

Meta Fields Container class

This class acts as a Dependency Injection container for providing dependencies to classes present in the ProductMetaFields module.

Field interface

The interface must be implemented by all the meta fields.

Field classes

This module has the following field classes:

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