Cancel an order

Learn about the process of cancelling an order.

There are a few conditions that must be kept in mind when cancelling the WooCommerce order with this Digital River plugin:

  1. The order can only be cancelled by the store admin, customers don’t have the provision to cancel the order.

  2. The order can only be cancelled if the order’s status is Ready for fulfillment. The Enable automatic fulfillment must be de-selected under the Digital River tab in Payments to prevent the order to be fulfilled automatically.

Note: The Digital River plugin does not currently support partial cancellation.

To cancel the order, go to WooCommerce, click Orders, and then click the order. Make sure the order status is Ready for fulfillment.

Once you click the order, you will see the screen below.

  1. Choose the Cancelled status from the Status dropdown.

  2. Click Update. You will see the order notes on the right side. If it’s successful, it will show Cancellation has been created with ID.

If you try to cancel the completed order, that is an order with a Completed status, you will see the following error message:

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