Learn how to use offers, point-of-promotions (POPs), and private stores.
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Learn how to use offers, point-of-promotions (POPs), and private stores.
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Offers use a POP to display the offer. A POP determines where an offer appears in an online store. A POP can be an interstitial page, banner or homepage image, pop-up window, etc. You can configure the offer's POP when you configure the offer in Global Commerce. Offers retrieved for a cart using the Offers resource must be POP-driven. Providing a POP when getting offers for a shopper or products is now optional. The system automatically applies the following offers to a cart:
Certain offers without POPs, such as shipping offers
Buy M, Get N
You do not need to send additional API calls to get these offers when a shopper adds products to a cart.
The Offers resource returns the configured attributes for an offer. The product offer contains offer-specific information on the product, including the offer-specific price of the product. You can apply both the Offers resource and
To retrieve all available offers for a shopper, product, or cart resource respectively, use the following resources:
GET shoppers/me/point-of-promotions/{popName}/offers
GET shoppers/me/products/{productId}/point-of-promotions/{popName}/offers
GET shoppers/me/carts/active/point-of-promotions/{popName}/offers
The popName
and ID originate in Digital River.
The system applies offers to a cart—it does not apply offers to a shopper. The API applies offers to the line items within a cart. Coupon code limits may apply to a shopper if you configure a coupon code offer in Digital River to limit the code to one per shopper.
When you configure multiple offers for a product, the offer that provides the greatest discount (the lowest price) for an order takes precedence. Also, a line item can have an order discount applied with a product discount. For more information on configuring offers and offer precedence, refer to the online help in Global Commerce.
Global Commerce automatically applies shipping offers to products added to a cart when they meet the offer criteria and do not require API calls. It also automatically applies discounts, bundles, and "buy x, get y" offers.
You can use Global Commerce to create a private store. The site owner, who has a Private Store Manager role in the Global Commerce user interface (UI), configures private stores at the site level. Private stores allow sites to target segmented shoppers, called target markets. Sites can deploy, rotate, and retire private stores to suit current product marketing trends.
Note: In the Global Commerce UI, private stores used to be called purchase plans, and the APIs reflect the former nomenclature in version 1 (v1)
For information on submitting an order for a private store, see .