Custom fields and objects

Learn about customer fields and objects

Cart (Standard object)

The Cart object represents an online shopping cart in a store with the total amounts for products, shipping and handling, and taxes.

Standard objectCustom field labelDescription


Buyer Email

Stores the buyer's email address.


Buyer Name

Stores the buyer's name.


Buyer Phone

Stores the buyer's phone number.


DR Amount Contributed

The amount contributed to checkout.


DR Ammount Remaining to be Contributed

Amount remaining to be contributed to checkout.


DR Checkout ID

Refers to the Digital River checkout identifier.


DR Checkout Type

Identifies whether the cart is digital or non-digital.


DR Customer Type

Indicates the Customer Type stamped on the order.


DR Payment Session ID

Stores Digital River's payment session identifier.


DR Selling Entity

Refers to Digital River's business selling entity.


DR Tax Identifiers

Comma-separated list of Global Tax Identifiers that are applied to this cart.


DR Total Duty

Indicates the total amount of duty levied by the importing country. Add this field to the page layout only if the Landed Costs feature is configured for your site.


DR Total Fees

Regulatory Fees are collected to address the manufacture, use, recovery, and recycling of Consumer Electronics products throughout the world. Add this field to the page layout only if Regulatory Fees are collected.


DR Total IOR Tax

Represents how much taxes the importer of record remits to the government. Add this field to the page layout only if the Landed Costs feature is configured for your site.


Has Landed Cost

When True, indicates the cart has Landed Cost associated with it. When False, indicates that the cart does not have Landed Costs. Add this field to the page layout only if the Landed Costs feature is configured for your site.


Recurring Line Item Count

Indicates the number of recurring line items count in the cart.

Cart Checkout

DR Source ID

Source ID attached to the checkout.

Cart Item (Standard object)

The Cart Item object represents an item in a WebCart that is active in a store built with B2B Commerce on Lightning Experience. The Cart Item can be a product or charge.

Standard objectCustom field descriptionDescription

Cart Item

DR Duty

Indicates the total amount of duty levied by the importing country for this Line Item. Add this field to the page layout only if the Landed Costs feature is configured for your site.

Cart Item


Represents how much taxes the importer of record remits to the government for this Line Item. Add this field to the page layout only if the Landed Costs feature is configured for your site.

Cart Item

DR Regulatory Fee

Regulatory Fees collected to address the manufacture, use, recovery, and recycling of Consumer Electronics products throughout the world for this Line Item. Add this field to the page layout only if Regulatory Fees are collected.

Cart Item

Price Includes DR Surcharge

If True, indicates that the Total Price field on the Cart Item has Landed Costs and Regulatory Fees included.

Cart Item

Total DR Surcharge

Total DR Surcharge: Landed Costs + Regulatory Fees.

Cart Item

Total Price Excluding DR Surcharge

Total Price for this Cart Item before adding Landed Costs and Regulatory Fees.

Cart Item

Recurring Line Item

If True, indicates that the line item contains a subscription product.

Cart Item

Subscription Id

Refers to the shopper's subscription identifier.

Cart Item

Subscription Start Time

Refers to the subscription's start date and time.

Cart Item

Subscription End Time

Refers to the subscription start time plus the subscription duration.

Cart Item

Free Subscription Trial

If True, indicates that the item is a free trial.

Cart Item

DR Ship From City

Cart Item

DR Ship From Country

Cart Item

DR Ship From Postal Code

Cart Item

DR Ship From State

Cart Item

DR Ship From Street

Cart Tax (Standard object)

The Cart Tax represents taxes for a line item in a WebCart that’s active in a store built with B2B Commerce on Lightning Experience.

Standard objectCustom field labelDescription

Cart Tax

DR Duty

Indicates the amount of duty levied by the importing country for a Line Item.

Cart Tax


Represents how much taxes the importer of record remits to the government for a Line Item.

Cart Tax

DR Regulatory Fee

Regulatory Fees are collected to address the manufacture, use, recovery, and recycling of Consumer Electronics products worldwide.

DCM Application Log (Custom object)

The DCM Application Log is used to store application logs.

Custom objectCustom field labelDescription

DCM Application Log

Application Name

Stores the Application Name.

DCM Application Log

Class Name

Stores the Class Name.

DCM Application Log

Exception Line Number

Stores the Exception Line Number in which line number error occurred.

DCM Application Log

Exception Message

Stores the Exception Message.

DCM Application Log

Exception Stack Trace

Stores the Exception Stack Trace.

DCM Application Log

Exception Type

Stores the Exception Type, such as the list of out-of-bound and call-out exceptions.

DCM Application Log

Link to Record

Stores the link to the Record ID in which an exception has occurred.

DCM Application Log

Logging Level

Stores the Logging Level.

DCM Application Log


Stores an error message.

DCM Application Log

Method Name

Stores the Method Name.

DCM Application Log

Module Name

Stores the Module Name.

DCM Application Log

Record ID

Stores the Record ID.

DCM Application Log

Response Status Code

Stores the Response Status Code.

DCM Application Log

Running User

Stores the Running User information.

DCM Application Log

Salesforce Limits

Stores the Salesforce Limits.

DCM Application Log

User Role & Profile

Stores the User Role and Profile details.

Digital River ECCN Lookup (Custom object)

The Digital River ECCN Lookup object is used to store the ECCN value (such as DR Descriptions and DR Notes) provided by Digital River.

Custom objectCustom field labelDescription

Digital River ECCN Lookup

DR Description

Refers to the Digital River ECCN description.

Digital River ECCN Lookup

DR Notes

Refers to the Digital River ECCN notes.

Digital River ECCN Lookup

DR Classification Code

Refers to the Digital River ECCN Classification Code.

Digital River Failed Event (Custom object)

The Digital River Failed Event contains all the Digital River webhook events that were processed by the app.

Custom objectCustom field labelDescription

Digital River Failed Event

Event Capture Reason

Stores the reason the event has been stored in Salesforce Lightning.

Digital River Failed Event

Event ID

Refers to the event's unique identifier.

Digital River Failed Event

Event Payload

Refers to Digital River's webhook event request payload.

Digital River Failed Event

Event Type

Refers to Digital River's event type (for example, order.complete).

Digital River Failed Event


Indicates whether an event is processed successfully after the initial failure.

Digital River Fulfillment (Custom object)

The Digital River Fulfillment object contains information related to Digital River.

Custom objectCustom field labelDescription

Digital River Fulfillment

Digital River Fulfillment Status

Represents the DR Order fulfillment status (for example, Open, Completed, Failed, and Reprocess).

Digital River Fulfillment

Digital River Order ID

Stores the Digital River order identifier.

Digital River Fulfillment

Digital River Order State

Identifies the Digital River order state (for example, Accepted, Cancelled, and Fulfilled).

Digital River Fulfillment

Eligible For Fulfillment

Indicates if the order is eligible for fulfillment. This will be set to true when the order.accepted event is received by Salesforce.

Digital River Fulfillment

Is Fulfillment Completed

Indicates if the fulfillment process is completed. This will be set to true when the order.complete event is received by Salesforce.

Digital River Fulfillment


Text field to capture debug information.

Digital River Fulfillment

Order Cancelled

Indicates whether the order is cancelled at Digital River. The value is set to true when Salesforce receives an order.cancelled event.

Digital River Fulfillment

Order ID

Refers to the Salesforce Order ID.

Digital River Fulfillment

Retry Attempts Made

Number of attempts made for posting Fulfillment information to Digital River.

Digital River Fulfillment

Number Of Line Item Records to Process

Count of child Line Item Fulfillment Records available for Fulfillment or Cancellation (for example, Fulfillment Order Item Status is Open or Reprocess).

Digital River Line Item Fulfillment (Custom object)

The Digital River Line Item Fulfillment object contains Digital River's line-item fulfillment information.

Custom objectCustom field labelDescription

Digital River Line Item Fulfillment

Digital River Order Fulfillment

Refers to the Order level fulfillment record.

Digital River Line Item Fulfillment

Digital River OrderItem ID

Refers to Digital River's Order Item Identifier.

Digital River Line Item Fulfillment

Fulfillment OrderItem Status

Refers to the Order Item Fulfillment notification status.

Digital River Line Item Fulfillment

DR Fulfillment Request Log

Shows the Digial River fulfillment request record.

Digital River Line Item Fulfillment

Digital River Order Fulfillment

Shows the order-level fulfillment record.

Digital River Line Item Fulfillment


Provide information on the success or failure when posting fulfillment to Digital River.

Digital River Line Item Fulfillment

Fulfillment OrderItem Status

Represents the Digital River Order Item Fulfillment status. The valid values are Open, Reprocess, Completed, and Failed.

Digital River Line Item Fulfillment

Cancel Quantity

Refers to the order item quantity to cancel.

Digital River Line Item Fulfillment

Fulfill Quantity

Refers to the order item quantity to fulfill.

Digital River Line Item Fulfillment

DR Fulfillment Request Log

Looks up the Digital River Fulfillment Request log record.

Digital River Line Item Fulfillment

SF Order Item

Lookup to the Salesforce Order Item record.

Digital River Line Item Fulfillment

Retry Attempts Made

Number of retry attempts when sending Line Level Fulfillment information to Digital River.

Digital River Regulatory Fee (Custom object)

The Digital River Regulatory Fee object is used to store the Regulatory Fee record information.

Custom objectCustom field labelDescription

Digital River Regulatory Fee


Refers to the unit amount multiplied by the line item quantity (does not include tax).

Digital River Regulatory Fee

Cart Item ID

Refers to the Salesforce Lighting Cart Item ID in which the regulatory fee record is associated.

Digital River Regulatory Fee

Fee ID

Refers to Digital River's fee unique identifier.

Digital River Regulatory Fee

Fee Type

Refers to the fee type. Valid values include battery, copyright, ewaste, and packaging.

Digital River Regulatory Fee

Per Unit Amount

Refers to the fee amount per unit (does not include tax).

DR Fulfillment Request Log (Custom object)

The DR Fulfillment Request Log object is used to store the Fulfillment Request Transaction log information from the client application.

Custom objectCustom field labelDescription

DR Fulfillment Request Log

Order ID

Refers to the Salesforce ID.

DR Fulfillment Request Log

Order Item ID

Refers to the Salesforce Order Item ID.

DR Fulfillment Request Log

Fulfill Quantity

Refers to the Order Item Quantity to fulfill.

DR Fulfillment Request Log

Cancel Quantity

Refers to the Order Item Quantity to cancel.

DR Fulfillment Request Log

DR Order ID

Refers to the Digital River Order identifier.

DR Fulfillment Request Log

DR Order State

Refers to the state of the Digital River order.

DR Fulfillment Request Log

DR OrderItem ID

Refers to the Digital River Order Item identifier.

Digital River Tax Mapping (Custom object)

The Digital River Tax Mapping object stores the tax code, product type, tax group, and tax type.

Custom objectCustom field labelDescription

Digital River Tax Mapping

DR Product Type

Indicates whether the cart's tax code is physical or digital.

Digital River Tax Mapping

DR Tax Code

Refers to the Tax Group and Tax Type for the tax code.

Digital River Tax Mapping

DR Tax Group

Refers to the product's tax group.

Digital River Tax Mapping

DR Tax Type

Refers to the product's tax type.

Digital River Transaction Payment (Custom object)

The Digital River Transaction Payment object stores transaction-related information.

Custom objectCustom field labelDescription

Digital River Transaction Payment


The user's account that created this transaction payment.

Digital River Transaction Payment


Actual transaction amount.

Digital River Transaction Payment

Card Number

Card's last four digits.

Digital River Transaction Payment

Card Type

Card types (for example, Visa, MasterCard, and so on).

Digital River Transaction Payment


Refers to the cart.

Digital River Transaction Payment


The user's contact that created this transaction payment.

Digital River Transaction Payment

Currency ISO Code

Currency Code for this transaction (for example, USD or GBP).

Digital River Transaction Payment

Display Name

The display name for the payment.

This value can be modified by the implementer to change the way a payment method is displayed in the drb2b_paymentDetails component

Digital River Transaction Payment

DR Transaction Payment Name

Refers to the Digital River Transaction Payment Name.

Digital River Transaction Payment


References the order this payment was applied to.

Digital River Transaction Payment

Payment Instructions

Payment instructions (for example, wire transfers).

Digital River Transaction Payment

Payment Method

The Payment type (for example, Credit Card, PayPal, and so on).

Digital River Transaction Payment


Tokenized form of the payment.

Digital River Transaction Payment

Transaction Payment ID

External ID used for data loading or other access.

Digital River Transaction Payment

Transaction Type

Transaction type, for example, AUTH, CAPTURE, or AUTH+CAPTURE. This is provider-specific.

Digital River Transaction Payment


The user who created this transaction payment.

Order (Standard object)

The Order object represents an order associated with a contract or an account.

Standard objectCustom field labelDescription


DR Order ID

Refers to the Digital River order identifier.


DR Order State

Refers to the Digital River Order State.


DR Total Duty

Indicates the total amount of duty levied by the importing country. Add this field to the page layout only if the Landed Costs feature is configured for your site.


DR Total IOR Tax

Represents how much tax the importer of record remits to the government. Add this field to the page layout only if the Landed Costs feature is configured for your site.


DR Total Regulatory Fee

Regulatory Fees collected to address the manufacture, use, recovery, and recycling of Consumer Electronics products worldwide. Add this field to the page layout only if Regulatory Fees are collected.


Has Landed Cost

When True, indicates the Order has Landed Costs associated with it. When False, indicates that the Order does not have Landed Costs. Add this field to the page layout only if the Landed Costs feature is configured for your site.


DR Payment Status

The state of the Digital River payment. Valid values are Successful and Declined.


DR Payment Failure Reason

The reason for Digital River payment failure.


DR Selling Entity

The Digital River Business Selling Entity.


Digital River Customer Type

Indicates the Customer Type stamped on the order.


Digital River Fraud State

Refers to the Digital River Fraud State.


Digital River Tax Identifiers

Comma-separated list of Global Tax Identifiers that are applied to this order.


SF Order Failure Reason

Indicates the Salesforce order failure reason.


Recurring Line Item Count

Indicates the number of recurring line items in the order.

Add the Refunds Action button to the Order page layout. This will be available under Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section.

Order Product (Standard object)

The Order Product object represents the product line items in the order.

Standard objectCustom field labelDescription

Order Product

Digital River Order Item State

The state of the Digital River order item.

Order Product

DR Duty

Indicates the total amount of duty levied by the importing country for this Line Item. Add this field to the page layout only if the Landed Costs feature is configured for your site.

Order Product


Represents how much taxes the importer of record remits to the government for this Line Item. Add this field to the page layout only if the Landed Costs feature is configured for your site.

Order Product

DR Order Item ID

The Digital River order item identifier.

Order Product

DR Regulatory Fee

Regulatory Fees collected to address the manufacture, use, recovery, and recycling of Consumer Electronics products throughout the world for this Order Item. Add this field to the page layout only if Regulatory Fees are collected.

Order Product

DR Fulfilled Quantity

Refers to the Fulfilled Line-Item Quantity.

Order Product

DR Cancelled Quantity

Refers to the Cancelled Line-Item Quantity.

Order Product

Digital River Order Item State

Represents DR Order Item States. Valid values are created, fulfilled, cancelled, partially_fulfilled and partially_cancelled

Order Product

Digital River Billing Agreement Id

Refers to the Digital River Billing Agreement ID used during recurring payment processing.

Order Product

Subscription Id

Refers to the shopper's subscription identifier.

Order Item (Standard object)

The Order Item object represents an item in the order.

Standard objectCustom field labelDescription

Order Item

Digital River Order Item State

Represents the Digital River Order Item states. The valid values are created, fulfilled, cancelled, partially_fulfilled, and partially_cancelled.

Product (Standard object)

The Product object represents a product that your organization sells. See Step 8: Configure and synchronize the products for more information.

Standard objectCustom field labelDescription


Date Last Synced to DR

Refers to the date when the product was last synced to Digital River.



Refers to the ECCN code assigned to the product.


DR HS Code

Stores the Landed cost/Harmonized System Code.


DR Part Number

Stores the Digital River part number.


DR Product Country Origin*

Describes the product's Country of Origin, which is a two-letter country code described in the ISO 3166 International Standard.



Refers to the product's tax group.



Refers to the product’s tax type.


Sync Product to DR

Indicates whether a product needs to be synced to Digital River.


DR Product Weight

Specifies the weight of the product measured in the unit specified by the Digital River Unit of Weight.


DR Unit of Weight

Specifies the unit of measurement applied to the Digital River unit of weight.


DR Managed Fulfillment

Signifies the product is physically fulfilled by Digital River.

Note: If DR Managed Fulfillment is set as DR Global Fulfillment, the DR Part Number is mandatory.


DR Manufacturer Id

Specifies the unique identifier of a part/product's manufacturer.

Digital River Invoice and Credit Memo (Custom object)

Use the Digital River Invoice and Credit Memo object to store information about invoices and credit memos generated for an order. The following table provides details on the object's stored information.

Custom objectCustom field labelDescription

DR Invoice and Credit Memo

Event Id

Specifies the event's unique identifier which sent the invoice or credit memo.

DR Invoice and Credit Memo

File Id

Specifies the unique file Id of the invoice or credit memo file. You can use this to generate a file link.

DR Invoice and Credit Memo

File Type

Specifies whether the file is an invoice or credit memo. The picklist values available are Invoice or Credit memo.

DR Invoice and Credit Memo


Specifies the Salesforce Order. Use this for a lookup on the order.

Last updated