Order Summary component

Learn how to use the Order Summary component.

The drb2b_orderSummary component serves two purposes: a) Display Order Summary information on the final Place Order page. b) Handle logic to place the order and navigate the shopper to the Thank You page. The component is always required on the Place Order page, but can be used with some or all of the UI elements hidden.

Publish an event to Place an Order

Depending on the checkout flow, you may need to have the order placement triggered by a button outside the connector’s native Place Order button. Use the following steps to publish an event that lets you trigger order placement:

  • Import the digitalriverv3__ DigitalRiverMessageChannel __c message channel and message service into a custom Javascript file as follows:

import showPlaceOrderButton from '@salesforce/messageChannel/digitalriverv3__DigitalRiverMessageChannel__c';
import {publish, MessageContext } from 'lightning/messageService';
  • Declare the message context variable.

@wire(MessageContext) messageContext;
  • Publish an event with the purpose being placeOrder.

publish(this.messageContext, showPlaceOrderButton, {
            purpose: 'placeOrder' 

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