Buyer info component

Learn how to use the Buyer Info component.

Use this drb2b_buyerInfo component with the drb2b_taxCertificateCheckout component. The drb2b_buyerInfo publishes an event and the drb2b_taxCertificateCheckout listens for the event triggered by the drb2b_buyerInfo component. The drb2b_taxCertificateCheckout is dependent on drb2b_buyerInfo component.

If you use a custom component instead of the drb2b_buyerinfo component, you must:

  • Populate the following fields in the WebCart object:

    • Buyer_Name__c

    • Buyer_Email__c

    • Buyer_Phone__c

    • BillingAddress

    • DR_Customer_Type__c

  • Provide the selected ship-to contact point address ID to the OOTB flow which populates the ship-to address on the Cart Delivery Group object.

  • Publish an event from the custom component using LMS (Lightning Message Service) as drb2b_taxCertificateCheckout is dependent on this component.

Publishing an event

Import the TaxCertificateMessageChannel__c message channel and message service into a custom javascript file.

Declare the message context variable as shown below.

import { publish, MessageContext } from 'lightning/messageService';
import toggleShowTC from '@salesforce/messageChannel/TaxCertificateMessageChannel__c';

Declare the messageContext variable as shown below.

messageContext example
 @wire(MessageContext) messageContext;

To enable the drb2b_taxCertificateCheckout component, set the showLink value to true when publishing the event.

Publish example
publish(this.messageContext, toggleShowTC, {
             showLink: true;

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